Thursday, March 17, 2011

Back to life, back to reality...

Wow! I love Disney World.
I just returned from my 10 day stay in sunny Orlando, Florida. Hence the lack of activity on the blog. I'm sorry, I read A LOT and even I can't justify keeping my nose in the books while 6 of the world's greatest theme parks are within 20 minutes of the house my family was renting. So the whirlwind that is Disney World/Universal Studios sucked me up and I was in Oz for a few days. But I'm back in Kansas....errr...Louisiana now and it's time to get cracking. So I am reading Angel by James Patterson at the moment and should have a review in the next few days!
Go to Disney World the first chance you get. It is the "happiest place on earth/place where dreams come true!!!!"

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