Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Cheat Sheet


Title: The Cheat Sheet
Author: Sarah Adams
Publisher: Dell, August 17, 2021
Pages: 322
Genre: Contemporary Sports Romance

The friend zone is not the end zone for Bree Camden, who is helplessly in love with her longtime best friend and extremely hot NFL legend, Nathan Donelson. The only problem is that she can’t admit her true feelings, because he clearly sees her as a best friend with no romantic potential, and the last thing Bree wants is to ruin their relationship. But those abs . . .

Nope! Nothing but good old-fashioned, no-touching-the-sexiest-man-alive, platonic friendship for Bree. In any case, she has other things to worry about. After a car accident ended her chance at becoming a professional ballerina, Bree changed paths and now owns her own dance studio, with big dreams to expand it. But one more rent increase could mean the end of the studio entirely.

Then, as usual, Nathan comes to the rescue and buys the entire building. A stubborn Bree is not happy about it and decides to rebel with a couple—okay, maybe more than a couple—of tequila shots. Then her plan backfires as she spills her deepest, darkest secret to a TMZ reporter. One viral video later, the world thinks Nathan and Bree are the perfect couple. Before they can really talk about her confession, Nathan’s publicist proposes a big opportunity that could mean financial security for Bree. The catch? They have to pretend to be in love. For three whole weeks.

What will happen when Bree gives in to the feelings she’s been desperately hiding for so long, and could she be imagining that Nathan is actually enjoying it? Sarah Adams scores more than touchdowns in this exciting romantic comedy.

I have so many conflicting feelings right now. I couldn't put this down. It was very compelling. But I think it was compelling in the way that you can't look away from a car crash...

Bree and Nathan have been best friends since high school. Bree is a ballet instructor who runs her own studio. Nathan is an NFL quarterback in LA. This is the first time they've been single at the same time since they reunited after college. And they're both too scared to do anything about it. 

The miscommunication and straight up lying runs RAMPANT throughout this book. There were 3214676278234908 opportunities for one or both of these characters to show one shred of sense and/or vulnerability, and they just....DIDN'T. I mean, it's a romance novel so like, obviously eventually they did. But it took FOREVER! 

We do have some "fake" dating sprinkled in there, which helped a lot to get me through to the end of this book. Because I was ready to throw my phone after the 1000th, "I'm going to do this. I'm going to treat this like a real date," declaration, and then they promptly DID NOT DO THAT AND STEPPED ON THEIR OWN FEET! 

But again. It was very compelling. I was mad about it, but I read it. This is now a thing that I have read. After the high from Practice Makes Perfect, though....this was not it. So I am going to take a break before I jump back into another book by this author. Which is a little sad because I kind of want to read The Off-Limits Rule....

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 1/5

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