Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Thieves & Monsters


Title: Thieves & Monsters
Series: Three Fates Mafia #1
Author: Clio Evans
Published: May 9, 2023
Pages: 325
Genre: Dark Mafia Fantasy Romance

When it comes to stealing from mafia men, there are three rules.

Don’t get caught.
Don’t be seen.
And most of all— don’t fall in love with them.
After being hired to steal a painting, I find myself ensnared.
Damon, Minos, and Aaecus are monsters, and they only want one thing.


Seven days of sin in exchange for freedom from the Three Fates Mafia.
If only it were that easy.

The strings of fate have bound the four of us together, and not even gods or monsters can keep us apart.

Read your content warnings. I cannot stress this enough. Read. Your. Content. Warnings. It is all there.

Now that that's out of the way. I am here for a new spin on mythology. I love reading about characters that I've met many, many times, in new and fun ways. This was certainly new, and it was definitely fun. Very naughty as well. Ashley is a thief, sent to steal from Cerberus by Hercules. She gets caught by the three men that can shift into monsters and combine to form the monster of legend, Cerberus. They are Mighty Morphin' Power Hellhounds!! And I was here for it. 

When they catch her, Damon, one head of Cerberus, wants to kill her. However, his other two monster men, Minos and Aaecus, are not about that. They want her. So they draw up a contract for her to be their sex slave for 7 days. After the contract is fulfilled, they will pay off her debt to Hercules and she is free to go on her merry way.

Then all Hades breaks loose. Not literally, but nothing goes to plan in this book. Well, I'm sure they went to someone's plan. Specifically, Clio Evans's and the Fates' plans. But certainly not Ashley, Damon, Minos, OR Aaecus. All of their plans go to shit. And it's pretty funny to watch. 

This did drag a little for me. I knew that some of the content, listed in the fairly thorough content warning was not for me, and I was right. I managed to push through, and I'm glad I did. But those things did hang me up a few times and that's ultimately why I can't give this a higher rating. 

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 4/5

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