Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Marriage Game


Title: The Marriage Game
Series: Marriage Game #1
Author: Sara Desai
Publisher: Berkley, June 9, 2020
Pages: 350
Genre: Contemporary Romance

After her life falls apart, recruitment consultant Layla Patel returns home to her family in San Francisco. But in the eyes of her father, who runs a Michelin starred restaurant, she can do no wrong. He would do anything to see her smile again. With the best intentions in mind, he offers her the office upstairs to start her new business and creates a profile on an online dating site to find her a man. She doesn’t know he’s arranged a series of blind dates until the first one comes knocking on her door…

As CEO of a corporate downsizing company Sam Mehta is more used to conflict than calm. In search of a quiet new office, he finds the perfect space above a cozy Indian restaurant that smells like home. But when communication goes awry, he's forced to share his space with the owner's beautiful yet infuriating daughter Layla, her crazy family, and a parade of hopeful suitors, all of whom threaten to disrupt his carefully ordered life.

As they face off in close quarters, the sarcasm and sparks fly. But when the battle for the office becomes a battle of the heart, Sam and Layla have to decide if this is love or just a game.

There is a lot going on here. I have 22 highlights in this book. Like that is quite a lot of thoughts to feel strongly enough about and make note of. It was very compelling, the chemistry between Layla and Sam. But individually, phew, they had a lot of growing to do!

Layla moves back to San Francisco feeling like she's hit rock bottom. When she finds out that her father is searching for a husband for her, things get even more dire. Especially because she's in an all out war with Sam Mehta, the CEO of the new company that has moved into her family's office. The very office that her father promised to her to help her kick her new business off on the right foot. 

Sam has his own demons he's fighting though. One of them being the culture of arranged marriages, and he has one of the biggest hero complexes ever, rivaled only by his own guilt complex. So when one of Layla's husband prospects comes into the office, he just can't stand by while she gets to know him. What if he took advantage of her in the board room, 10 feet away from him and her cousin, and one floor away from her family's restaurant?! He couldn't possibly stand by while that happens! 

So the game. They go on Layla's dates with the marriage prospects together, and if Layla finds a husband, Sam gets the office to himself. If Layla doesn't get married, she gets the office. Hilarity ensues. Truly, they are so ridiculous. 

But the growth was really good. I actually had to put this book down right before the third act breakup because it was so well written that it was making me physically uncomfortable. It's been awhile since I didn't want to zoom through a third act breakup to get to the good part! So huge ups for that!

Stars: 4/5

Womb City


Title: Womb City
Author: Tlotlo Tsamaase
Published: Erewohn Books, January 23, 2024
Pages: 418
Genre: Cyberpunk Sci-fi

Nelah seems to have it all: fame, wealth, and a long-awaited daughter growing in a government lab. But, trapped in a loveless marriage to a policeman who uses a microchip to monitor her every move, Nelah’s perfect life is precarious. After a drug-fueled evening culminates in an eerie car accident, Nelah commits a desperate crime and buries the body, daring to hope that she can keep one last secret.

The truth claws its way into Nelah’s life from the grave. 

As the ghost of her victim viciously hunts down the people Nelah holds dear, she is thrust into a race against the clock: in order to save any of her remaining loved ones, Nelah must unravel the political conspiracy her victim was on the verge of exposing—or risk losing everyone. 

Set in a cruel futuristic surveillance state where bodies are a government-issued resource, this harrowing story is a twisty, nail-biting commentary on power, monstrosity, and bodily autonomy. In sickeningly evocative prose, Womb City interrogates how patriarchy pits women against each other as unwitting collaborators in their own oppression. In this devastatingly timely debut novel, acclaimed short fiction writer Tlotlo Tsamaase brings a searing intelligence and Botswana’s cultural sensibility to the question: just how far must a woman go to bring the whole system crashing down?

In a shocking break from the norm, I actually read the blurb for this book. And even after that, I was not prepared for just how heavily this book was going to hit on infertility and pregnancy loss. But don't worry, there was so many more heavy themes that that was the least of my issues.

This book gave me a prolonged existential crisis, like I'm still crisising about it. It definitely also gave me nightmares. This book is downright scary for sure. BUT so worth it.

The concept of body-hopping is fascinating. The author explains the rules of life spans and life cycles. I know the explanation was thorough, but I listened to the audiobook so I've lost some of the details. (In saying that, I think that the audiobook was the way to go for me, reading the words would have been EVEN SCARIER.) But body-hopping is the process of transferring your consciousness into a new body after you die. It's how this world essentially invents immortality. There are a ton of rules, and this isn't a new concept to sci-fi as a whole, this take on it was really well done. I think tackling concepts like inclusion and privilege, in the backdrop of a society where people can shed their skin basically on a whim, is really eye-opening. And the way in which this society lords privilege over people, the things that denote privilege, are somehow still skin-based. It's wild, but so very realistic as well.

Then you have Nelah. Nelah is amazing and so confusing. On the one hand, she's conquered all kinds of things to become a successful architect. She's married and has a good relationship with her family. Or her body's family? (That's one of those funky things to do with body-hopping and we do not have time to get into it here, it's WILD though.) At least that's what she'd like you to believe...

But you quickly realize that Nelah is a bit of a liar. Especially to herself. And her main focus at this point in her life is having a baby, and it's so easy to see why the more that you get to know her. Ultimately, I'm only scratching the surface here, but you have to read this to get it. It's very scary, very dark, but SO good. If you have the emotional bandwidth to tackle some of the darker themes, I highly recommend this.

Stars: 5/5

Outfield Assist


Title: Outfield Assist
Series: Dominating the Diamond #2
Author: Cat Giraldo
Published: October 15, 2023
Pages: 378
Genre: LGBTQ Baseball Romance


Becoming a head strength and conditioning coach was the dream of a lifetime, but it’s hard to celebrate our World Series win when I spent the season ignored and underutilized. It’s even harder when I’m staring at a lease I can’t afford and the empty room my best friend abandoned without warning. Training the star right fielder is my chance to shine, and I can’t mess this up, no matter how tempting he and my training partner are.


Giving up my Olympic dreams is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Facing my estranged dad is a close second. When he volunteers me to help train the right fielder known for big catches and sleeping with a different man in every city, I can’t disappoint him, no matter how many reasons I have to say no. Not least of all, the fact that I can’t even look at a pool without hyperventilating.


I should be riding the high of winning the World Series into the offseason—spending my days golfing with the boys and my nights putting my World Series fame to good use. But almost blacking out during the big game was the wake-up call I needed.
There’s no time to be terrified of my diagnosis when I’m spending the offseason with the bubbly coach who shares my love of kink and the anxious swimmer who can’t keep his eyes off of either of us, no matter how hard he tries to push us away or how much he blushes.
If this offseason training is my only chance to convince them both to open up to me, then I have to make every second count.
And if they both end up in my bed along the way, well, there’s nothing wrong with a little extra cardio.

Part of me regrets skipping book one before reading this second book in the series. I just didn't have time right now, but I will definitely being going back to see just how the dynamic between Ramirez and Reyes works! Just the little bit that you see in this book is fascinating.

But this book is about Kitt, Jules, and Gideon. And they are so damn compelling. I haven't known many people (or read many books about people) whose sexuality and romanticality were not directly aligned. At least not in the way that Kitt's is described here. A gay, biromantic man. It's so interesting, and makes me wonder how many people feel that way and don't have the language to describe it.

The angst in this was perfection. It was just enough will they/won't they, and angst unrelated to the throupling at all. There was also enough action (hehe) to make the angst less... angsty? Like they were getting it in. 

I wish that we had gotten some more closure for Jules and her roommate. Of course I was thrilled at every ounce of closure we got for her dickbag boyfriend. That guy barely got what he deserved but it was glorious to watch him get it. I get why we didn't get that confrontation between Jules and her roommate, and it was healthier over all for Jules to just walk away. But dang. One more conversation putting her in her place would have made ME happy. :)

Otherside, these three are so good and I love them. And that action that I mentioned? So so spicy and delicious.

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 5/5

Sunday, March 17, 2024



Title: Rogue
Series: Jericho's Boys #2
Author: Onley James
Published: February 29, 2024
Pages: 364
Genre: LGBTQ Dark Romance

Levi Akira’s existence is far from ideal. His mother's addiction consumes their lives, his academic standing is crumbling, and the convenience store he works at is a constant target for ruthless robberies. But amidst the chaos, Levi finds solace in only three things: his tight-knit group of friends, protecting his neighborhood as one of Jericho’s Boys, and streaming his favorite video game, where he assumes the role of Rogue—a hero who will break the rules for the greater good.

Shiloh Mizrahi’s hope has all but dwindled. With one brother unjustly imprisoned, and the other a sadistic puppeteer, he endures daily torment at the hands of the latter. And his latest demand? Get close to Levi at any cost.

In the midst of another ordinary night shift, Levi's world is upended when a captivating and terrified stranger appears, brandishing a weapon and claiming he has been forced to kill Levi by his own brother. Levi, torn between self-preservation and an instinctive aversion to harming the vulnerable boy, takes a bold leap—he kisses him. And then, just like that, the boy disappears into the night, leaving Levi haunted by his memory.

Driven by an unshakeable connection, Levi's path crosses with Shiloh's once more, igniting a passionate bond that refuses to be extinguished. However, Shiloh harbors a labyrinth of secrets, torn between loyalty and desire. With his brother's freedom dangling in the balance, can Levi and Shiloh navigate the treacherous path to be together, or will Levi forever remain a hero confined to the online realm?

Ms. James. How is it possible that these DEEPLY messed up humans are also baby? I love every single one of them. I'm still waiting for Cree's book (very impatiently). But I know it's going to be a hot little minute before we get it. Even though the longer it goes the more often I fanfic it in my mind. Shoot, maybe I'm going to have to fanfic it on paper.

These are dark romances for sure. And the choices are toxic, right? But I am SO here for it every time. I love all of the Mulvaney cameos! 

Paladin did a great job of giving us another peak at Jericho's boys from the boys' perspectives, and not Jericho's. But it feels like Rogue is almost pulling us in a totally new direction. Of course we still got that big revenge/justice scene at the end with everyone. But there were some big questions that I still had from Paladin that didn't really get addressed in Rogue. Maybe some of the new plot lines are actually those, and we just don't see how they connect yet! 

Shiloh and Levi are so great for one another. They both have their trauma, and they are both so dang protective of each other. Shiloh has lived under his older brother's thumb or his whole life. Levi has a neglectful and abusive mother who only calls him when she wants some beer, or some cash for beer. They're both in the market for heroes and a perfect position to be a hero to each other. And I love that Ever got a new experience bucket list, but Shiloh gets a new sexperience bucket list!

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 4/5

This is How You Lose the Time War


Title: This is How You Lose the Time War
Author: Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Publisher: S&S/Saga Press, July 16, 2019
Pages: 223
Genre: LGBT Epistolary Sci-Fi

Among the ashes of a dying world, an agent of the Commandment finds a letter. It reads: Burn before reading.

Thus begins an unlikely correspondence between two rival agents hellbent on securing the best possible future for their warring factions. Now, what began as a taunt, a battlefield boast, becomes something more. Something epic. Something romantic. Something that could change the past and the future.

Except the discovery of their bond would mean the death of each of them. There’s still a war going on, after all. And someone has to win. That’s how war works, right?

This book has everything going for it. It's epistolary. It's sapphic. It's sci-fi. What more could you ask for?

Red and Blue are so cool. The way that the authors give voice to these characters is really cool. I kind of love that we only get crumbs of world-building, but it's still feels like the authors know exactly what's going on. The use of time was really neat. These are time travelers, so while their stories move forward for the most part. The "timeline" as it were is all over the place. They're time soldiers, actively working to change the timeline in favor of their respective armies. 

So they're jumping around and it was really interesting when you learn just how intertwined they become, or is it that they've always been? It was woven together perfectly. I know that the authors have done a ton of interviews on how they handled the co-writing aspects, and I get why. Red and Blue do have such distinct voices and idiosyncrasies, but the story is so masterfully enmeshed as well. 

Don't even get me started about that audiobook production. It was really really well done!

Stars: 5/5

Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Name-Bearer


Title: The Name-Bearer
Series: Flowers of Prophecy #1
Author: Natalia Hernandez
Publisher: October 11, 2022
Pages: 288
Genre: YA LGBT Fantasy

For her entire life, the Name-Bearer’s sole purpose has been to receive and deliver the names of the future monarchy from the Flowers of Prophecy. But when the child is finally born and the Name-Bearer is sent to the Flowers, they refuse to name him. Instead they deliver a prophecy; another child was born who is more worthy of the Naming, and if they are found and brought before them it will usher in a reign of peace.

Having failed in her duties the Name-Bearer is considered a traitor to the crown, and must hide among an elite sect of warrior women where she experiences found family, friendship, and love. Her training as a warrior helps prepare her to embark on her quest to find the Unnamed Prince, clear her name, and bring peace to her realm.

A story of magia, warrior women, found family and love - and not accepting who you are told to be, but embracing who you are destined to become.

I was a little nervous going into this one. I saw this on TikTok, and BookTok hasn't always had the best recommendations for me. HOWEVER! This one absolutely delivers.

At its core, this is a chosen one fantasy novel, which is right up my alley. You've got prophecies and a child raised with the sole purpose of serving her kingdom in this really specific way. But you've also got this incredible imagery and a queer soul right at the heart that was perfect. 

The beginning starts a little slow. Really digging into the details of what The Name-Bearer means to this kingdom and how she's meant to do her job. When she finally hears what the Flowers of Prophecy have to say, and what the royal mage has to tell her about their prophecy, her life is changed in a moment. But, then you see her toil through 10 years of warrior training. I think this was all really important to see how she's grown into the woman that she is, but it did drag a tiny bit for me.

But once she embarks on her quest to find the Unnamed Prince with the mage's apprentice, things really get going! The entire time that The Name-Bearer is training with the warriors, she doesn't consider herself really one of them. But every single person she encounters knows how she was raised because she's an absolute boss. Sure, she wasn't the strongest of the warriors at warrior school, but she is definitely holding her own out in the real world thanks to her arduous training. 

I can't wait to see where this story is going. I really look forward to The Name-Bearer catching back up with her warrior trained friends. 

Stars: 5/5

Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderer's


Title: Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers
Author: Jesse Q. Sutanto
Publisher: Berkley, March 14, 2023
Pages: 348
Genre: Women's Crime Fiction

Vera Wong is a lonely little old lady—ah, lady of a certain age—who lives above her forgotten tea shop in the middle of San Francisco’s Chinatown. Despite living alone, Vera is not needy, oh no. She likes nothing more than sipping on a good cup of Wulong and doing some healthy detective work on the Internet about what her Gen-Z son is up to. 

Then one morning, Vera trudges downstairs to find a curious thing—a dead man in the middle of her tea shop. In his outstretched hand, a flash drive. Vera doesn’t know what comes over her, but after calling the cops like any good citizen would, she sort of . . . swipes the flash drive from the body and tucks it safely into the pocket of her apron. Why? Because Vera is sure she would do a better job than the police possibly could, because nobody sniffs out a wrongdoing quite like a suspicious Chinese mother with time on her hands. Vera knows the killer will be back for the flash drive; all she has to do is watch the increasing number of customers at her shop and figure out which one among them is the killer. 

What Vera does not expect is to form friendships with her customers and start to care for each and every one of them. As a protective mother hen, will she end up having to give one of her newfound chicks to the police?

Vera Wong is goals. I would be happy to grow into a woman like Vera. Meddling, bossy, a tiny bit deluded. What's not to love, right?! 

There's a lot to love about the rest of the book as well. The goofy cast of characters was a perfect mix of guiltily innocent. These good people were all taken advantage of and downright abused by this man. They all feel guilty for some piece that they played in the last day of his life. They're all keeping secrets and telling lies to cover up their guilty consciences. It was a perfectly jumbled puzzle of clues and red herrings and antics. 

The relationships that formed between this bunch of people were great, but my favorite by far, was the relationship between Vera and Emma! When we first meet her, Emma is an anxious toddler who has been living with a beaten down mother and her no good dad. She is clingy and "embarrassing" according to her father. But after only a few minutes with Vera, Emma is marching around the kitchen and giving and taking orders as well as any drill sergeant. They are so good for one another and I just love them together. 

This is a murder mystery. There are some heavy themes related to the case, definitely. This was not a good man, but justice is a fickle beast. But this is also about family and redemption. And I recommend this to anyone looking for a little more meddling grandmother energy in their life.

Stars: 5/5

Thursday, March 7, 2024



Title: Shipped
Author: Angie Hockman
Publisher: Gallery Books, January 19, 2021
Pages: 335
Genre: Contemporary Rom-Com

Between taking night classes for her MBA and her demanding day job at a cruise line, marketing manager Henley Evans barely has time for herself, let alone family, friends, or dating. But when she’s shortlisted for the promotion of her dreams, all her sacrifices finally seem worth it.

The only problem? Graeme Crawford-Collins, the remote social media manager and the bane of her existence, is also up for the position. Although they’ve never met in person, their epic email battles are the stuff of office legend.

Their boss tasks each of them with drafting a proposal on how to boost bookings in the Galápagos—best proposal wins the promotion. There’s just one catch: they have to go on a company cruise to the Galápagos Islands...together. But when the two meet on the ship, Henley is shocked to discover that the real Graeme is nothing like she imagined. As they explore the Islands together, she soon finds the line between loathing and liking thinner than a postcard.

With her career dreams in her sights and a growing attraction to the competition, Henley begins questioning her life choices. Because what’s the point of working all the time if you never actually live?

I want to go on this cruise. I don't want to pay for this cruise. Are you kidding me? But it sounds awesome! Kayaking and hiking and snorkeling around the Galapagos?! Sign me the heck up for the raffle or the grand prize please! 

So. This is a workplace enemies to lovers book set on a cruise. Henley is doing the most. When you first meet her she tells you how much she loves her job and her career. She's going to school and just nose to the grindstone to accomplish her goals. I'm glad she figured it out in the end because I was not convinced that this was her dream job, that's for sure.

But then there's Graeme. What a pain in her neck. And now they're up for the same promotion. To get that promotion, they have to go on a cruise, together, and come up with a proposal to increase their sales in the Galapagos region. And, man, I DID believe that she wanted to beat Graeme for this promotion specifically!

But then she actually meets Graeme in person. And everything she expects from him seems to be based on the fact that he's been working remotely the entire time. So his terse responses are due to him setting boundaries and prioritizing his time. The reason she's hated him the entire time they've worked together boils down to a miscommunication of course. He keeps exceeding her expectations and is actually really hot, of course.

This book was great. I would 1000% watch a movie based on this book. It would be hilarious. Shockingly, I feel like this would be a better movie, which feels slightly sacrilegious. The imagery was spectacular, and I would love to see that movie. Full disclosure, there are discussions of parent death and grief, be gentle with yourselves.

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 1/5

The Dawnhounds


Title: The Dawnhounds
Series: The Endsong Book #1
Author: Sascha Stronach
Publisher: S&S/Saga Press, June 14, 2022
Pages: 351
Genre: LGBT Fantasy

The port city of Hainak is alive: its buildings, its fashion, even its weapons. But, after a devastating war and a sweeping biotech revolution, all its inhabitants want is peace, no one more so than Yat Jyn-Hok a reformed-thief-turned-cop who patrols the streets at night.

Yat has recently been demoted on the force due to “lifestyle choices” after being caught at a gay club. She’s barely holding it together, haunted by memories of a lover who vanished and voices that float in and out of her head like radio signals. When she stumbles across a dead body on her patrol, two fellow officers gruesomely murder her and dump her into the harbor. Unfortunately for them, she wakes up.

Resurrected by an ancient power, she finds herself with the new ability to manipulate life force. Quickly falling in with the pirate crew who has found her, she must race against time to stop a plague from being unleashed by the evil that has taken root in Hainak.

I have no idea why it took me 6 months to read this book! Well, I do have an idea, and it's that I read the paperback instead of the ebook or audiobook. But it's so dang good!

The world is gritty and the magic system is so cool. The technology is crazy and living inside of a living mushroom sounds like a fairy tale. And, I mean, this book isn't not a fairy tale, but it's definitely in the vein of a Grimm fairy tale, certainly not a sweet bedtime story fairytale. 

I really liked Yat as the main POV of this book. It's told in third person limited for the most part, and from a few different characters' perspective. But Yat was a total noob in this book. So the exposition that you do get felt really genuine to her experience, as well as mine. And do you need some exposition because the magic / political system is so well done. 

This book does suffer just a touch in the way that a lot of series starters do. It sets up book 2 so well, I really do want to know what's going on! But there are SO many loose threads to pick back up and follow. **(Mini spoiler ahead)** I can't wait for Yat to kick Sibbi's ass though, it's a hot take but I could see it coming!

Stars: 4/5

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Impromptu Match


Title: Impromptu Match
Series: Goliaths of Wrestling #1
Author: Lily Mayne
Publisher: February 9, 2024
Pages: 422
Genre: MM Monster Romance

I, Taylor Hough, am a painfully average guy.

I have the soul-destroying corporate job, I iron my underpants, and I was unceremoniously dumped for an influencer hippie a few years ago. Every day feels the same, and I don’t know how much longer I can cope before I do something unhinged like rip off my shirt in the middle of my co-worker’s office birthday party and smear lemon cake all over my chest.

But then a case of mistaken identity suddenly lands me in the middle of a covert professional wrestling league, which is apparently being run in the basement of my office building. Weird. Even weirder are the wrestlers. They seem… otherworldly. So does the rest of the staff. And the audience. Pretty much everyone except boring old me.

And then there's the owner, Holt Hector, with whom I have an extremely embarrassing first encounter. He’s ridiculously attractive, even in the inhuman cosplay get-up he's wearing that only makes him hotter, if I'm being totally honest.

Then I discover it’s not a costume. And that the show put on by Goliaths of Wrestling every night is more monstrous reality than mindblowing special effects.

My previously boring life is suddenly no longer quite so average, and hot-as-hell Holt is inexplicably as interested in me, and my ironed underpants, as I am in him and his strange new world.

I nearly peed my pants laughing at this book. These two hot idiots are perfect for each other. And I want to read every single side character's book! I just want to read Frank's and Bean's Karate Kid reboot. If anyone could make them romance heroes, it would be Lily Mayne. But she has made a huge task of it after their descriptions in this book. 

Taylor is bored. he's like sleepwalking through life after his ex dumped him a few years ago. Holt is definitely not boring. After a drunken night of secret spilling, they can't stay away from one another. Watching Holt bring Taylor back out of his shell is everything. And watching Taylor help Holt feel again was just as cute! 

And then you get into the other people that work for the Goliaths of Wrestling. You've got Holt's assistant, Larkin, his bodyguard, Seb, and few other people, and the WRESTLERS! The wrestlers are PERFECTION! There are so many different types of monsters in this wrestling league. She also introduced a monster corn business, which clearly has me very interested. 

I am also salivating for book 2 already!!! She set it up SO well. I'm just casually trying to figure out if she's going to do a concurrent moment or if she's going to pick up where this book left off. Her options are endless and I can't wait to see what she does with them!!!

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 5/5

Friday, March 1, 2024

Do Your Worst


Title: Do Your Worst
Author: Rosie Danan
Publisher: Berkley, November 14, 2023
Pages: 339
Genre: Paranormal Romantic Comedy

Riley Rhodes finally has the chance to turn her family’s knack for the supernatural into a legitimate business when she’s hired to break the curse on an infamous Scottish castle. Used to working alone in her alienating occupation, she's pleasantly surprised to meet a handsome stranger upon arrival—until he tries to get her fired.

Fresh off a professional scandal, Clark Edgeware can’t allow a self-proclaimed “curse breaker” to threaten his last chance for redemption. After he fails to get Riley kicked off his survey site, he vows to avoid her. Unfortunately for him, she vows to get even.

Riley expects the curse to do her dirty work by driving Clark away, but instead, they keep finding themselves in close proximity. Too close. Turns out, the only thing they do better than fight is fool around. If they’re not careful, by the end of all this, more than the castle will end up in ruins.

The whole time I was listening to this I could hear Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar in the background. I think it's because of all of the times they said curse breaker, but it worked for this book. I need to work out if I owe Ms. Benatar any royalties though.

I really loved the setting for this book. A cursed castle in Scotland? Sign me up! I can't smell magic, but I definitely could have broken this curse with the likes of Clark Edgeware. Probably faster than Riley Rhodes, serial self-sabotager, did. I talk a big talk, but Riley was working with what information she had and she was trying to be a professional. And Clark was WRONG for trying to get her kicked off the job on day one. But I am getting ahead of myself.

I think the dynamic of archaeologist and curse breaker could not be more perfect! I love that he is such a stickler for the rules and she is going off vibes all the way. And I have to talk about the spice because it was good. But pulling someone's hair is not being mean to them. Especially not if she asked for it. So when she was talking about how she liked that he was mean to her, I was thrown for a tiny mini loop. Like...degradation kink is a thing and that's what I think of when I hear I want someone to be mean to me. BUT don't get me wrong, the spice was very very good.

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 4/5

The Hike


Title: The Hike
Author: Drew Magary
Publisher: Penguin Books, August 2, 2016
Pages: 286
Genre: Fantasy

When Ben, a suburban family man, takes a business trip to rural Pennsylvania, he decides to spend the afternoon before his dinner meeting on a short hike. Once he sets out into the woods behind his hotel, he quickly comes to realize that the path he has chosen cannot be given up easily. With no choice but to move forward, Ben finds himself falling deeper and deeper into a world of man-eating giants, bizarre demons, and colossal insects. 
On a quest of epic, life-or-death proportions, Ben finds help comes in some of the most unexpected forms, including a profane crustacean and a variety of magical objects, tools, and potions. Desperate to return to his family, Ben is determined to track down the “Producer,” the creator of the world in which he is being held hostage and the only one who can free him from the path.
At once bitingly funny and emotionally absorbing, Magary’s novel is a remarkably unique addition to the contemporary fantasy genre, one that draws as easily from the world of classic folk tales as it does from video games. In 
The Hike, Magary takes readers on a daring odyssey away from our day-to-day grind and transports them into an enthralling world propelled by heart, imagination, and survival.

I have been wanting to hike more, but this almost felt like the universe telling me that's not the right decision. I have no interest in going on this hike. I would like to remain fully immersed in the matrix, thank you. Though I have never had the desire to go hiking alone, so that should help, I think!

This book was wild. It felt very reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland. There were ties to real life that made it feel like a crazy dream. There was a talking crab that was definitely my favorite character. He was not putting up with any crap and it was great. 

I would really like a bonus epilogue after the ending of this book. I need that conversation. I mean, of course I can assume what happens, but dang. I would love the one from Drew Magary's mind!

Stars: 4/5