Sunday, March 17, 2024



Title: Rogue
Series: Jericho's Boys #2
Author: Onley James
Published: February 29, 2024
Pages: 364
Genre: LGBTQ Dark Romance

Levi Akira’s existence is far from ideal. His mother's addiction consumes their lives, his academic standing is crumbling, and the convenience store he works at is a constant target for ruthless robberies. But amidst the chaos, Levi finds solace in only three things: his tight-knit group of friends, protecting his neighborhood as one of Jericho’s Boys, and streaming his favorite video game, where he assumes the role of Rogue—a hero who will break the rules for the greater good.

Shiloh Mizrahi’s hope has all but dwindled. With one brother unjustly imprisoned, and the other a sadistic puppeteer, he endures daily torment at the hands of the latter. And his latest demand? Get close to Levi at any cost.

In the midst of another ordinary night shift, Levi's world is upended when a captivating and terrified stranger appears, brandishing a weapon and claiming he has been forced to kill Levi by his own brother. Levi, torn between self-preservation and an instinctive aversion to harming the vulnerable boy, takes a bold leap—he kisses him. And then, just like that, the boy disappears into the night, leaving Levi haunted by his memory.

Driven by an unshakeable connection, Levi's path crosses with Shiloh's once more, igniting a passionate bond that refuses to be extinguished. However, Shiloh harbors a labyrinth of secrets, torn between loyalty and desire. With his brother's freedom dangling in the balance, can Levi and Shiloh navigate the treacherous path to be together, or will Levi forever remain a hero confined to the online realm?

Ms. James. How is it possible that these DEEPLY messed up humans are also baby? I love every single one of them. I'm still waiting for Cree's book (very impatiently). But I know it's going to be a hot little minute before we get it. Even though the longer it goes the more often I fanfic it in my mind. Shoot, maybe I'm going to have to fanfic it on paper.

These are dark romances for sure. And the choices are toxic, right? But I am SO here for it every time. I love all of the Mulvaney cameos! 

Paladin did a great job of giving us another peak at Jericho's boys from the boys' perspectives, and not Jericho's. But it feels like Rogue is almost pulling us in a totally new direction. Of course we still got that big revenge/justice scene at the end with everyone. But there were some big questions that I still had from Paladin that didn't really get addressed in Rogue. Maybe some of the new plot lines are actually those, and we just don't see how they connect yet! 

Shiloh and Levi are so great for one another. They both have their trauma, and they are both so dang protective of each other. Shiloh has lived under his older brother's thumb or his whole life. Levi has a neglectful and abusive mother who only calls him when she wants some beer, or some cash for beer. They're both in the market for heroes and a perfect position to be a hero to each other. And I love that Ever got a new experience bucket list, but Shiloh gets a new sexperience bucket list!

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 4/5

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