Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Set in Stone


Title: Set in Stone
Author: Lynn Camden
Publisher: October 11, 2021
Pages: 209
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Evie Stone has experienced enough loss for a lifetime. To protect herself, this plus-sized event planner has decided to build herself a new solitary life in a new city, with a new job, and new apartment...but she wasn't planning on all the new friends.

Aaron is a bearded, burly stonemason who always thinks he knows best. He's also a temptation she can hardly resist. He's got the future in his eyes, and she's not looking for forever. But surely a fling can't do any harm...

The Canadian winter has never been so steamy, but will Evie risk loving again, or is their future set in stone?

These two are so hot. I'm actually shocked they aren't the reason for wrecking Elmdale's snow plans.  

Evie is a massive introvert. She's not at all interested in forming big fundamental friendships. She just wants to do her job, until she's ready to leave again. And according to her that's going to be in one year. Which maybe was explained but I totally missed it. I think it's just because she doesn't want to put roots down, that is definitely her vibe.

But the people she works with in Elmdale? They have other plans for sure! This friend group that she finds herself pulled into have roots and offshoots and deep ties in their community. And Aaron is a frickin dreamboat! The good friends and the hottie with the body were enough to tempt Evie into their orbit, and also enough to send her into a full existential spiral.

Evie's growth was beautiful. She makes you work for it! I spent the last 30% of this book having some massive anxiety regarding Evie's future. I'm glad that she decided that roots aren't the worst thing in the world, that's for sure! Everyone deserves a community.

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 2/5

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