Sunday, July 9, 2023

There's a Monster in the Woods


Title: There's a Monster in the Woods
Series: Spooky Boys #0.5
Author: Fae Quin
Published: January 1,  2022
Pages: 112
Genre: LGBT Paranormal Romance

There's a monster in the woods.
That's what the stories always say.
With gnashing teeth,
And wind for wings,
Little children are its prey.

There's a monster in the woods.
At night you'll hear its mournful cries.
And off the path,
You'll feel its wrath,
Be wary of yellow eyes.

There's a monster in the woods.
And if you listen close,
You'll hear its cry,
Echo through the sky,
Its call for blood inside its throat.

These boys are spooky! In the best way. They're a little bit spooky, a lot bit sweet, and very very sexy. I love that Ellis is just trying to live his best life on his little homestead. He doesn't care about social media or phones or any of that. He just wants to grow beautiful vegetables, bake delicious bread, and court the monster in the woods. Well, maybe not that last one at first. But ya know, when in Rome, or wherever his little farm is...

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 1/5

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