Monday, February 5, 2024

Howl for the Gargoyle


Title: Howl for the Gargoyle
Series: Monster Smash Agency #2
Author: Kathryn Moon
Publisher: December 5, 2023
Pages: 291
Genre: Contemporary Fantasy Romance

Hannah never wanted to be a werewolf. After over thirty years as a human, she finds her new life on the other side of the species line too full of sudden changes. Especially when those changes risk her band's chance at a world tour. Desperate for a way to slake the cravings and soothe the restless anger that arrives every month like clockwork, Hannah takes the advice of a friend and books a night with the Monster Smash Agency. In spite of being made of stone, Rafe is losing his touch. After years of rough work, he's starting to feel the grind. Sturdy and nearly indestructible, gargoyles can take a lot, but Rafe is pretty sure he can't take losing any more of his clients. Not if he wants to keep his job with MSA. Hannah and Rafe's partnership ought to be practical, but their chemistry carves a new path. This werewolf is unlike any client Rafe has worked with yet, and he's determined to make her howl his name.

Wow. After how light and fluffy Sunny and Khell'ar's story was, this really surprised me. Everything between Hannah and Rafe was wonderfully cozy and sweet. Everything else? Phew. A lot.

Hannah is a recently turned werewolf. She spends the full moons in a sterile, sad "hotel" that's essentially a fortified cage. There isn't even a real window. She spends the time between the full moons practicing with her band (though she can't go on tour with them) and attending a werewolf support group. Her sponsor in the support group is Theo, and his mate, Natalie, recommends that she check out the Monster Smash Agency. You see, the closer to the full moon it is, the more uncontrollable the werewolf becomes. Hannah's lust and aggression get turned up to 11 and she's not coping well. But at Monster Smash Agency, they have ways of accommodating those urges.

One of those is Rafe, a handsome gargoyle. Rafe is less than thrilled with his role in the Monster Smash Agency these days. Gargoyles can't be harmed, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel anything. What used to be new and exciting, just isn't anymore. But then he meets Hannah. 

I love everything about this series. And I can't wait to read about Elias and his puzzle of a love story! And one more thing before I wrap this up. The lore that Kathryn Moon uses for her gargoyles is masterful. They are very, very cool monsters!

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 5/5

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