Monday, April 29, 2024

Read Between the Lines


Title: Read Between the Lines
Author: Rachel Lacey
Publisher: Montlake, December 1, 2021
Pages: 331
Genre: LGBT Contemporary Romance

Books are Rosie Taft’s life. And ever since she took over her mother’s beloved Manhattan bookstore, they’ve become her home too. The only thing missing is her own real-life romance like the ones she loves to read about, and Rosie has an idea of who she might like to sweep her off her feet. She’s struck up a flirty online friendship with lesbian romance author Brie, and what could be more romantic than falling in love with her favorite author?

Jane Breslin works hard to keep her professional and personal lives neatly separated. By day, she works for the family property development business. By night, she puts her steamier side on paper under her pen name: Brie. Jane hasn’t had much luck with her own love life, but her online connection with a loyal reader makes Jane wonder if she could be the one.

When Rosie learns that her bookstore’s lease has been terminated by Jane’s family’s business, romance moves to the back burner. Even though they’re at odds, there’s no denying the sparks that fly every time they’re together. When their online identities are revealed, will Jane be able to write her way to a happy ending, or is Rosie’s heart a closed book?

Did you watch You've Got Mail and think, "Oh, that was good, but it would be even better if they were gay!"? Have I got a book for you! 

This is an exaggeration, ok. But only just. Rosie owns a bookstore in Manhattan that she inherited from her mother. She is penpals with her favorite author and she shares an apartment with 3 of her best friends. Jane works for the family business, which is property development, and Rosie's bookstore is the next in a long line of buildings that are going to be torn down and replaced with a shiny new high-rise. Jane also happens to be a sapphic romance author by night, pen-name Brie, and Rosie's favorite author.

That's a fairly star-crossed beginning. As conflict avoidant as Jane seems to be, I'm glad that she came clean to Rosie as early in the book as she did. That didn't stop the third act breakup from being devastating. And it WAS. Rosie's whole identity is tied up in her store. And in her eyes (and in reality) Jane is taking that away from her. It's understandable and still heartbreaking to watch Rosie say goodbye to her store.

It was beautiful though. Her journey through the grief that closing her store took her. And Jane's and Rosie's journeys back to each other.

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 2/5

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Something to Talk About


Title: Something to Talk About
Author: Meryl Wilsner
Publisher: Berkley, May 26, 2020
Pages: 333
Genre: LGBT Contemporary Romance

Hollywood powerhouse Jo is photographed making her assistant Emma laugh on the red carpet, and just like that, the tabloids declare them a couple. The so-called scandal couldn't come at a worse time—threatening Emma's promotion and Jo's new movie.

As the gossip spreads, it starts to affect all areas of their lives. Paparazzi are following them outside the office, coworkers are treating them differently, and a “source” is feeding information to the media. But their only comment is “no comment”.

With the launch of Jo’s film project fast approaching, the two women begin to spend even more time together, getting along famously. Emma seems to have a sixth sense for knowing what Jo needs. And Jo, known for being aloof and outwardly cold, opens up to Emma in a way neither of them expects. They begin to realize the rumor might not be so off base after all…but is acting on the spark between them worth fanning the gossip flames?

What a slow dang burn. I can dig a slow burn, but I definitely wasn't thinking this was going to be quite this slow. I think it might be because I read Mistakes Were Made first and that started with an actual bang. 

I loved both Emma and Jo, separately and together. They're funny and smart and have things going for them outside of chemistry. Namely mutual respect and affection. But dang the will they/won't they dragged me about! 

Miscommunication as a plot device is one of my least favorite things in a romance novel. And not only did we have miscommunication and misunderstanding, but we had the most heinous of these crimes which is: interrupting the other person when they're about to give a declaration, and talk them out of their declaration with their interruption. UGH! It happened so many frickin times! 

Obviously miscommunication breeds ANGST. This is an angsty dang book. And angst can be good. I like angst for the most part. But this angst didn't feel real. Like sure this is a workplace romance, and ultimately, Emma didn't want to be seen as sleeping her way to the top. That was the one place where I allow that there's a legitimate speed bump to their relationship. But they did not address this speed bump in any real way. They never really spoke about it and slowed down and drove over it safely. They drove up to it, came to complete stops, did like 7 point u-turns and detoured around all of Los Angeles to finally find a way around it. And thank goodness they did, but my heart can't take that level of angst!

All of that to say. Jo sounds like an INCREDIBLE boss! Emma's and Jo's relationship as employer/employee is really cool. Them realizing their feelings was well done. It's a solid contemporary workplace romance. 

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 1/5

The Echo Wife


Title: The Echo Wife
Author: Sarah Gailey
Publisher: Tor Books, February 16, 2021
Pages: 254
Genre: Science Fiction

I’m embarrassed, still, by how long it took me to notice. Everything was right there in the open, right there in front of me, but it still took me so long to see the person I had married.

It took me so long to hate him.

Martine is a genetically cloned replica made from Evelyn Caldwell’s award-winning research. She’s patient and gentle and obedient. She’s everything Evelyn swore she’d never be.

And she’s having an affair with Evelyn’s husband.

Now, the cheating bastard is dead, and both Caldwell wives have a mess to clean up.

Good thing Evelyn Caldwell is used to getting her hands dirty.

How to begin? Evelyn seems to be on top of the world. Sure she's divorced, but she's winning awards for her research, and that's what's always been most important to her. 

But that divorce? Yea. I am honestly shocked that Evelyn was the one that received the papers. I think rolling up to your husband's second house, and being greeted at the door by your clone would at least be enough fuel to file for divorce. But either way, the Caldwells have been divorced for a year when we meet them. 

And that clone? Martine. She's pregnant, and wants to talk to Evelyn about her medical history. But here's the biggest twist, Evelyn's deadbeat husband stole her work from her to make himself a new wife. With one massive twist... all of Evelyn's clones are sterile. That's one of her moral hangups. That's how she justifies working with fully cloned humans to herself, the government, and her investors. Her husband clearly doesn't have the same, if any, moral hangups. Fidelity obviously wasn't one of them. 

Though that does introduce what I found to be one of the most interesting questions of the book. Is it being unfaithful when you're cheating with a genetically replicated individual? (Obviously yes, for the record.) But for the sake of the devil's advocacy, it was a fun thought experiment. 

Mostly I want a peak into that butt-heads brain. How is cloning the wife you very clearly hate the option you go with? Because you might be mistaken in thinking that him cloning her meant that he was in love with her. So in love with her that when she didn't pay him enough attention he wanted a second Evelyn. But he hated her so much he wanted to make someone who looked like her that he had complete and total power over. Financially. Emotionally. Physically. I mean, in all of the ways. But like, wouldn't it have just been simpler to like cheat on her with a coworker? So he had some BIG HATE to work through.

I don't even actually want to review some of the bigger themes because we get too close to spoiler territory. But this book is very spooky and very good and very worth the read!

Stars: 4/5



Title: Seminal
Series: For the Love of Aliens #2
Author: C.M. Stunich
Publisher: Sarian Royal, October 30, 2023
Pages: 429
Genre: Why Choose Sci-Fi Romance

I don’t play the role of the kidnapped princess very well.
And I really hate the fated mates trope.
Hello again, I’m Eve Wakefield, and I refuse to accept that I’m in love with an intergalactic moth prince.


I don’t care how handsome he is, I don’t want to marry him.
I don’t care if his parents have a sentient spaceship capable of eating entire planets.
Love is earned, not swindled by pheromones.

I’m now trapped on a ship with an adorable cyborg bodyguard, a golden toilet, and relationship issues. There’s the prince I’m supposed to marry, the forest beast I fell in love with, and the never-wears-clothes police officer with tentacles. I’ve also got a mother-in-law who looks like a giant millipede, more macarons than I can eat, and plenty of red lace lingerie made from alien moth blood.

I’m living in luxury, but I will do anything to see Abraxas again.
Even if that means giving in and becoming a princess in a gilded cage.
There’s so much more to all of this than I first thought, and I should’ve known better than to judge a man whose gaze is enough to knock me to my knees.


I might be wrong. I might be in love with more than one alien. I might also be dying.
And there’s only one person who can fix I need to be with Abraxas.
After that, I’ll worry about the possibility of becoming the next queen of the universe.
But let’s be honest I don’t miss being a caterer; being an alien queen is way more interesting.

Ohhhhh, Rurik. These stakes are pretty high. I mean, dang. You would think being abducted from Earth and dropped onto a black market planet was enough of a high stakes romance for one why choose reverse harem. 

But no, Eve's been abducted again. She's on the ship that serves as the Vestalis home world, essentially? There's a lot to unpack there. But she's with Avril and Zero and Rurik on the ship. Zero has a new cyborg body. Avril is making the most of her new life as the Imperial Princess's handmaiden. She only orders clothing and food that she wants. She irritates the crap out of Eve and Rurik, and honestly, why shouldn't she?! She was abducted too, and by nature of her shitty circumstance she's condemned (or maybe relegated but still) to a life of service. Where the risk of a bad job review is death. And your bosses joke about killing you all the time. She deserves some macarons, whether Eve wants them or not.

Rurik is a very cool alien. Like a vampire mothman who can turn blood into a weapon or a video doorbell or a mind control device. I mean, come on. That is very cool. But overall, the species kind of sucks. Like some of the pitfalls of the species are rough. They can only survive on the blood of their one true mate once they've found them. If their mate chooses to leave them, and somehow gets away, they will die. 

Sex or death seems to be a major theme in this universe that is the Noctuida. I don't hate it. I would like to read a cozy sci-fi why choose though. This series has sparked a NEED in me. For a cozy sci-fi why choose, and also for the final book in this trilogy. I have GOT to know how these babies are going to get out of this sticky....sticky mess!

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 5/5

House of Flame and Shadow


Title: House of Flame and Shadow
Series: Crescent City #3
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing, January 30, 2024
Pages: 951
Genre: Romantasy

Bryce Quinlan never expected to see a world other than Midgard, but now that she has, all she wants is to get back. Everything she loves is in Midgard: her family, her friends, her mate. Stranded in a strange new world, she's going to need all her wits about her to get home again. And that's no easy feat when she has no idea who to trust.

Hunt Athalar has found himself in some deep holes in his life, but this one might be the deepest of all. After a few brief months with everything he ever wanted, he's in the Asteri's dungeons again, stripped of his freedom and without a clue as to Bryce's fate. He's desperate to help her, but until he can escape the Asteri's leash, his hands are quite literally tied.

What a flippin roller coaster. 

Getting to see some of my Night Court besties was the best of course. I'm still not unconvinced that Amren wasn't an Asteri/Daglan/whatever they want to call themselves when she decided to stay in Prythian. Hopefully we will get more of that story in ACOTAR 6. Maybe even CC 4. Also, all of these questions might be answered if I would finally get off my ass and read Throne of Glass, but baby steps, my friends.

Bryce Quinlan was trying to give me a dang heart attack. Like frfr, you didn't just want to ask for a little tiny bit of help? I really wanted to see Rhys eat Rigelus. Or not eat, necessarily, but you know. Wipe from existence. I *know* that that would have been a very specific kind of fan service, but it would have been COOL. What we got was pretty cool too I guess.

House of Flame and Shadow is for sure my favorite house so far. I am holding out full judgment for the House of Many Waters because I think that one is going to be very dang cool. Tharion is already one of my favorites in Lunathion, And after meeting the Ocean Queen (possibly again) I definitely think that seeing more of that House is going to be very cool. But Flame and Shadow have unseated Earth and Blood for the moment. 

Obviously there are still many loose threads. And probably even more that I didn't catch, or didn't even read about because, again, I haven't read TOG. I was a little shocked that we got the amount of "closure" as we seemed to get. I'm sure there's a ton I'm missing about it though. There's definitely SO MUCH going on that I couldn't even possibly talk about everything, I can't even fit all of the characters that I love! Especially not since I loved mostly all of them... See you soon, I hope, CC 4.

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 2/5

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Get a Life, Chloe Brown


Title: Get a Life, Chloe Brown
Series: The Brown Sisters #1
Author: Talia Hibbert
Publisher: Avon, November 5, 2019
Pages: 387
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Chloe Brown is a chronically ill computer geek with a goal, a plan, and a list. After almost—but not quite—dying, she’s come up with seven directives to help her “Get a Life”, and she’s already completed the first: finally moving out of her glamorous family’s mansion. The next items?

  • Enjoy a drunken night out.
  • Ride a motorcycle.
  • Go camping.
  • Have meaningless but thoroughly enjoyable sex.
  • Travel the world with nothing but hand luggage.
  • And... do something bad. 

But it’s not easy being bad, even when you’ve written step-by-step guidelines on how to do it correctly. What Chloe needs is a teacher, and she knows just the man for the job. 

Redford ‘Red’ Morgan is a handyman with tattoos, a motorcycle, and more sex appeal than ten-thousand Hollywood heartthrobs. He’s also an artist who paints at night and hides his work in the light of day, which Chloe knows because she spies on him occasionally. Just the teeniest, tiniest bit. 

But when she enlists Red in her mission to rebel, she learns things about him that no spy session could teach her. Like why he clearly resents Chloe’s wealthy background. And why he never shows his art to anyone. And what really lies beneath his rough exterior…

I can't believe that I didn't write a review of this after my first read. But I'm glad that I've reread it and have the opportunity to share the gospel of The Brown Sisters! 

These sisters are hilarious. Obviously, more specifically, Talia Hibbert is hilarious. But Chloe Brown is a delightfully funny and grumpy main character. She is desperate to spread her wings a bit from her family. Who are all hilarious in their own ways. 

Then there's Red. Never have I been more drawn to a redhead. But the way that Chloe describes him? HOT. The man is hot. And I did listen to this book this time around. And Adjoa Andoh has an exceptionally sexy voice, when growling dirty talk in her "man" voice. No one is surprised that the narration was top notch, and if you are, do your research!

While Talia Hibbert can write some hilarious romcoms. She did also break my heart with this one. This third act breakup did not come to play. They both needed some growth, and I love that she gave them the space to do that. Obviously, I love more that they got together after!

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 2/5

Mistakes Were Made


Title: Mistakes Were Made
Author: Meryl Wilsner
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin, October 11, 2022
Pages: 350
Genre: LGBT Contemporary Romance

When Cassie Klein goes to an off-campus bar to escape her school’s Family Weekend, she isn’t looking for a hookup—it just happens. Buying a drink for a stranger turns into what should be an uncomplicated, amazing one-night stand. But then the next morning rolls around and her friend drags her along to meet her mom—the hot, older woman Cassie slept with.

Erin Bennett came to Family Weekend to get closer to her daughter, not have a one-night stand with a college senior. In her defense, she hadn’t known Cassie was a student when they'd met. To make things worse, Erin’s daughter brings Cassie to breakfast the next morning. And despite Erin's better judgement—how could sleeping with your daughter’s friend be anything but bad?—she and Cassie get along in the day just as well as they did last night.

What should have been a one-time fling quickly proves impossible to ignore, and soon Cassie and Erin are sneaking around. Worst of all, they start to realize they have something real. But is being honest about the love between them worth the cost?

This was great. Their chemistry is off the charts, and it's very sexy. However, I really struggled getting past the fact that Erin was Cassie's "best friends'" mom. 

For a hot minute, I really thought that Parker had a crush on Cassie. That would have really made things sticky. Luckily, that wasn't the case. They really were just good friends. And Cassie and Erin did try to stay away from one another for Parker's sake. But dang, their chemistry was too overwhelming? It certainly read that way. 

It's a cute, hot romcom. Who doesn't want to have an amazing one night stand and then see them the next day at brunch...? Amiright??

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 3/5

Cemetery Boys


Title: Cemetery Boys
Author: Aiden Thomas
Publisher: Swoon Reads, September 1, 2020
Pages: 350
Genre: LGBTQ YA Fantasy

Yadriel has summoned a ghost, and now he can't get rid of him.

Bestowed by the ancient goddess of death, Yadriel and the gifted members of his Latinx community can see spirits: women have the power to heal bodies and souls, while men can release lost spirits to the afterlife. But Yadriel, a trans boy, has never been able to perform the tasks of the brujas - because he is a brujo.

When his cousin suddenly dies, Yadriel becomes determined to prove himself a real brujo. With the help of his cousin and best friend Maritza, he performs the ritual himself, and then sets out to find the ghost of his murdered cousin and set it free. 

However, the ghost he summons is not his cousin. It's Julian Diaz, the resident bad boy of his high school, and Julian is not about to go quietly into death. He's determined to find out what happened and tie off some loose ends before he leaves. 

Left with no choice, Yadriel agrees to help Julian, so that they can both get what they want. But the longer Yadriel spends with Julian, the less he wants to let him leave.

What a beautiful book. This book has been on my TBR forever, and I'm so glad that I've finally read it. Like I knew that it was going to be good. And it was!

I love the way that magic is portrayed in this world of the brujx. This family has death magic essentially. Though magic maybe isn't the right word. It doesn't seem to encompass the entirety of the brujx abilities. 

Gender plays a huge role in this book. Yadriel is a trans boy, and that really defines his journey as a brujx. Because their magic seems to be very closely tied to their gender identity. The women in this community are healers. And the men usher spirits from this life into the next. Yadriel knows that he's a brujo, but we see how his family can accept that he's a boy and still gatekeep his magic from him for a good bit of this book.

Then you have Yadriel and Julian. They meet because as a brujx, Yadriel can see ghosts, and Julian has just died but hasn't yet crossed over. They spend the time leading up to Dia de Muertos trying to figure out what's wrong in the cemetery where Yadriel and his family live and work. And they are so dang cute doing it.

Stars: 4/5

Friday, April 19, 2024



Title: Pheromone
Series: For the Love of Aliens #1
Author: C.M. Stunich
Publisher: Sarian Royal, October 23, 2023
Pages: 440
Genre: Why Choose Sci-Fi Romance

Humans … pets, meat, or mates.

That’s the first thing I see when I open my eyes, that damn sign.

Don’t fancy myself being sold for any of the above reasons, so I’m relieved when my buyer is killed by an …


Hot venom and horns and a violent grin.

What the actual f*ck is that?! Or should I say who the actual f*ck is he?

Because he’s definitely male. Definitely big. Definitely exuding pheromones that turn me into a much less rational human being.

Hi, I’m Eve Wakefield, twenty-five years old, professional caterer, recently abducted by aliens alongside my best friend. I’m also completely and utterly screwed. Lost on a jungle planet. Rooming in a downed spaceship with a dragon dude. Being hunted by a moth man with demon eyes and vampire teeth. Begging for help from a tentacle-tailed fox man who also happens to be … a space cowboy?

Here’s the thing: I desperately want to go back to Earth.

But I am not leaving this place without my bestie, Jane Baker.

And I can’t find her or get us home without the help of three males who just so happen to be ideal romantic matches for yours truly.


Three very different men. Three very different lives for me to try out. Three very powerful romances.

And only one thing matters: finding Jane.

Then … then I’ll worry about the messy complications of finding myself perma-mated to aliens.

Yeah, it’s a whole thing.

I saw "A Smutty Reverse Harem Alien Romance," and I was flat out sprinting to borrow this from KU. When I got about 50% and there was still only one couple, I started getting a little nervous. It was also a bit more of a slow burn than I could ever have expected. I was still holding out hope until the very end, but then I found out that it IS a reverse harem alien romance....TRILOGY. UGH. I thought for sure I was getting all of the harem in book one! I had to take a break after finishing this because I was so disappointed that I didn't get more of the harem in book one. 

Don't get me wrong. Abraxas was great! Eve.....well, she's Eve. I think I would also be an absolute disaster if I were abducted by aliens from a work event that I went to on my day off. BUT, Eve is rescued by the biggest of baddest dragon aliens! He saves her from being a bride-slave, he brings her to his home, he feeds her and does his best to communicate with her. And he's super hot and got the crazy good sexy pheromones. They have to get down to save a life which is very good. 

And we have met the whole harem. We've gotten some flirting and such. But no real momentum with the other lads other than Abraxas. I can appreciate the time given to the relationship development, for sure. But I am chomping at the bit for some more Rurik and Hyt. 

That cliffhanger did us dirty though...

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 5/5

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Merciless Saviors


Title: Merciless Saviors
Series: The Ouroboros #2
Author: H.E. Edgmon
Published: Wednesday Books, April 16, 2024
Pages: 330
Genre: LGBTQ YA Fantasy

That day at the First Church of Gracie changed everything for Gem Echols, and not just because Marian and Poppy betrayed them. Forced to use the Ouroboros knife on Zephyr, who had kidnapped their parents, Gem now has the power of the God of Air.

While for any other god things might work out okay, the Magician—whose role within the pantheon is to keep the balance—having the power of another god has thrown everything into chaos. The Goddess of Death can now reanimate corpses; the God of Art’s powers are now corrupted and twisted, giving life to his macabre creations; and, while the God of Land has always been able to communicate with creatures of the Earth, now everyone can hear their cries.

As Gem, Rory, and Enzo search for a way to restore the balance without sacrificing themselves, new horrors make them question how far they're willing to go. In the end, Gem may be forced to fully embrace their merciless nature and kill off their own humanity—if it ever really existed in the first place.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC for this book! I was approved for this ARC months ago. I waited until it was a little closer to release time, but it took me longer to finish than I expected. The world building and themes were too heavy to read as quickly as I might usually.

Godly Heathens left us on a massive cliffhanger. Everyone in the pantheon now knows that they're gods. For better or worse, really, because not all of them are happy about it. And while the first book was about Gem learning they were a god. This book was all about learning what that actually means. What kind of a god they were, and kind of figuring out what kind of god they want to be. 

And the kind of god they were? A tricky one! So tricksy that they still don't remember everything they've done. So tricksy that they always have something up their sleeve. And that something is usually the powerful magical dagger that got them into this whole mess in the first place!

Hank is, once again, the MVP of this book. He is the goodest boy!!

**Spoiler Alert**

The idea that the pantheon and the Ether were born of Gem's trauma was a really interesting take. So is the magic real, or is it all made up. Or does it being made up make it less real? It was a very interesting (albeit tragic) theory to introduce.

Stars: 4/5

Sunday, April 14, 2024

One Last Stop


Title: One Last Stop
Author: Casey McQuiston
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin, June 1, 2021
Pages: 377
Genre: LGBTQ Romance

For cynical twenty-three-year-old August, moving to New York City is supposed to prove her right: that things like magic and cinematic love stories don’t exist, and the only smart way to go through life is alone. She can’t imagine how waiting tables at a 24-hour pancake diner and moving in with too many weird roommates could possibly change that. And there’s certainly no chance of her subway commute being anything more than a daily trudge through boredom and electrical failures.

But then, there’s this gorgeous girl on the train. 

Jane. Dazzling, charming, mysterious, impossible Jane. Jane with her rough edges and swoopy hair and soft smile, showing up in a leather jacket to save August’s day when she needed it most. August’s subway crush becomes the best part of her day, but pretty soon, she discovers there’s one big problem: Jane doesn’t just look like an old school punk rocker. She’s literally displaced in time from the 1970s, and August is going to have to use everything she tried to leave in her own past to help her. Maybe it’s time to start believing in some things, after all.

So good even the second time around. I love August and Jane. They are the absolute cutest. Subway Girl and Coffee Girl have such a cute relationship.

I love where this book lives. It is definitely a contemporary sapphic romance. But it is also a little bit sci-fi? There's this level of magical realism to it with Nico and his ESP. Speaking of Nico. The found family in this book is absolute perfection.

Myla and Nico, Isaiah and Wes, and the Billy's Pancakes crew all come together in this beautiful mix of queerness and joy. They're all very weird and somehow perfect for each other.

There are some potentially triggering themes in this book. August's familial dynamics are rough. Her mom has been chasing down the truth of what happened to her older brother for most of her life, and by proxy, August's life. Just like "the case" framed her entire childhood, it carries over into her adulthood as well. For the first 5 years she's officially an adult, she pretty much chooses everything to be the exact opposite of how she was raised. But throughout this book, her arc of finding her way to utilizing the skills she perfected helping her mom with the case, and what she wants to do was really cool to see.

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 2/5

Gwen and Art are Not in Love


Title: Gwen & Art Are Not in Love
Author: Lex Croucher
Publisher: Wednesday Books, November 28, 2023
Pages: 352
Genre: YA LGBTQ Historical Romance

It’s been hundreds of years since King Arthur’s reign. His descendant, Arthur, a future Lord and general gadabout, has been betrothed to Gwendoline, the quick-witted, short-tempered princess of England, since birth. The only thing they can agree on is that they despise each other.

They’re forced to spend the summer together at Camelot in the run up to their nuptials, and within 24 hours, Gwen has discovered Arthur kissing a boy and Arthur has gone digging for Gwen's childhood diary and found confessions about her crush on the kingdom's only lady knight, Bridget Leclair.

Realizing they might make better allies than enemies, they make a reluctant pact to cover for each other, and as things heat up at the annual royal tournament, Gwen is swept off her feet by her knight and Arthur takes an interest in Gwen's royal brother. Lex Croucher's 
Gwen & Art Are Not in Love is chock full of sword-fighting, found family, and romantic shenanigans destined to make readers fall in love.

I love Arthurian adaptations. Very original of me, I'm sure. It's one of the most enduring stories of all time. But this was a fun twist for sure. 

Gabriel and Gwendoline prince and princess of England. Gwen is betrothed to Arthur, a descendant of King Arthur. But she has had a crush on the lady knight, Bridget Leclair, for years. Arthur is one of my favorite characters in a long time. He's absolutely hilarious. He's also the disaster bi of Gabriel's dreams. Unshockingly there was quite a bit of angst and queer panic in this book. It's YA and the prince and princess are fully in the closet. Bridget and Arthur being out and open was refreshing. 

The intrigue was good. You know, royal plots and wars and betrayal, all of that. Then you've got the backdrop of the tourney of Kings. Which really made me want to go to a Ren Faire. 

The best part was Gwen's character arc though. Being unable to speak to save someone's actual life, and then fully able to make real time battle decisions. We love a story about female empowerment in the middle of actual war. It does sound like I'm minimizing it, but it was a good arc.

Stars: 3/5

Gentlemen Prefer Villains


Title: Gentlemen Prefer Villains
Series: The Villainous Things #2
Author: C. Rochelle
Publisher: March 30, 2023
Pages: 448
Genre: LGBTQ Action Adventure Romance


I needed to get the hell out of Big City.

The only reason I was living in this American wasteland was because my mother insisted I reconcile with my estranged father. That the idea came to her while drunk on the French bubbly should have been my sign to stay right where I belonged.

Anywhere but here. Certainly somewhere more fabulous.

When an international job opportunity arises, I jump on board. It’s just a bonus that I’ll be traveling with the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome.

Make that muscular, morally gray, and hopefully, my next conquest.

What’s a casual fling between coworkers, after all? I’m ready for my next big adventure—far from Big City—so if whatever we’re up to is vaguely illegal, I’ll simply turn the other cheek.

It’s not like some superhero is going to swoop in and stop a couple of humans like us.


I may have orchestrated my villainous parents’ deaths, but that doesn’t mean the crushing weight of my responsibilities is easy to bear.

My sister was the only one of my siblings who knew how badly they treated me. The only one I told how much I despise my powers. Now she’s on the run—leaving me to carry this alone.

But then I meet him. I may have hired Simon Alarie as my assistant, but it’s instantly apparent he’s much more than that. He’s not only intelligent and business savvy, but fiercely loyal, and the tastiest—most forbidden—little thing I’ve ever seen.

Nothing can come of it. Because if I touch him, he dies.

That doesn’t stop me from claiming him as mine. Whether or not this normie knows it, every inch of him—every breath he takes—belongs to me. And anyone who thinks otherwise will meet the Hand of Death.

Consider this my official request to join the Suarez family group chat, in any way they'll have me. They are hilarious, bloodthirsty villains and I would love to have a daily dose of their antics. 

Simon and Wolfgang are great. You've got workplace romance, millionaire sugar daddy, vigilante shit, etc. Simon is a spoiled, if brilliant, new assistant to a head of a crime family. Or so he thinks. And he's not wrong, but Wolfgang isn't just the head of a crime family, they're super villains. 

There's not much more to say. This is very hot, very funny, and an all around great time. I can't wait for Baby Hulk's book!

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 5/5