Saturday, April 20, 2024

Mistakes Were Made


Title: Mistakes Were Made
Author: Meryl Wilsner
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin, October 11, 2022
Pages: 350
Genre: LGBT Contemporary Romance

When Cassie Klein goes to an off-campus bar to escape her school’s Family Weekend, she isn’t looking for a hookup—it just happens. Buying a drink for a stranger turns into what should be an uncomplicated, amazing one-night stand. But then the next morning rolls around and her friend drags her along to meet her mom—the hot, older woman Cassie slept with.

Erin Bennett came to Family Weekend to get closer to her daughter, not have a one-night stand with a college senior. In her defense, she hadn’t known Cassie was a student when they'd met. To make things worse, Erin’s daughter brings Cassie to breakfast the next morning. And despite Erin's better judgement—how could sleeping with your daughter’s friend be anything but bad?—she and Cassie get along in the day just as well as they did last night.

What should have been a one-time fling quickly proves impossible to ignore, and soon Cassie and Erin are sneaking around. Worst of all, they start to realize they have something real. But is being honest about the love between them worth the cost?

This was great. Their chemistry is off the charts, and it's very sexy. However, I really struggled getting past the fact that Erin was Cassie's "best friends'" mom. 

For a hot minute, I really thought that Parker had a crush on Cassie. That would have really made things sticky. Luckily, that wasn't the case. They really were just good friends. And Cassie and Erin did try to stay away from one another for Parker's sake. But dang, their chemistry was too overwhelming? It certainly read that way. 

It's a cute, hot romcom. Who doesn't want to have an amazing one night stand and then see them the next day at brunch...? Amiright??

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 3/5

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