Saturday, April 20, 2024

Get a Life, Chloe Brown


Title: Get a Life, Chloe Brown
Series: The Brown Sisters #1
Author: Talia Hibbert
Publisher: Avon, November 5, 2019
Pages: 387
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Chloe Brown is a chronically ill computer geek with a goal, a plan, and a list. After almost—but not quite—dying, she’s come up with seven directives to help her “Get a Life”, and she’s already completed the first: finally moving out of her glamorous family’s mansion. The next items?

  • Enjoy a drunken night out.
  • Ride a motorcycle.
  • Go camping.
  • Have meaningless but thoroughly enjoyable sex.
  • Travel the world with nothing but hand luggage.
  • And... do something bad. 

But it’s not easy being bad, even when you’ve written step-by-step guidelines on how to do it correctly. What Chloe needs is a teacher, and she knows just the man for the job. 

Redford ‘Red’ Morgan is a handyman with tattoos, a motorcycle, and more sex appeal than ten-thousand Hollywood heartthrobs. He’s also an artist who paints at night and hides his work in the light of day, which Chloe knows because she spies on him occasionally. Just the teeniest, tiniest bit. 

But when she enlists Red in her mission to rebel, she learns things about him that no spy session could teach her. Like why he clearly resents Chloe’s wealthy background. And why he never shows his art to anyone. And what really lies beneath his rough exterior…

I can't believe that I didn't write a review of this after my first read. But I'm glad that I've reread it and have the opportunity to share the gospel of The Brown Sisters! 

These sisters are hilarious. Obviously, more specifically, Talia Hibbert is hilarious. But Chloe Brown is a delightfully funny and grumpy main character. She is desperate to spread her wings a bit from her family. Who are all hilarious in their own ways. 

Then there's Red. Never have I been more drawn to a redhead. But the way that Chloe describes him? HOT. The man is hot. And I did listen to this book this time around. And Adjoa Andoh has an exceptionally sexy voice, when growling dirty talk in her "man" voice. No one is surprised that the narration was top notch, and if you are, do your research!

While Talia Hibbert can write some hilarious romcoms. She did also break my heart with this one. This third act breakup did not come to play. They both needed some growth, and I love that she gave them the space to do that. Obviously, I love more that they got together after!

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 2/5

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