Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Guava Flavored Lies


Title: Guava Flavored Lies
Author: J.J. Arias
Publisher: June 17, 2022
Pages: 304
Genre: LGBT Contemporary Romance

Sylvie Campos and Lauren Machado have hated each other since before they were born. For generations, the Campos and Machado families have blamed each other for stealing pastry recipes they claim their great-grandfathers originated before fleeing Castro’s Cuba.

Having spent their lives as rivals, Lauren and Sylvie are now in their early thirties and primed to take over their respective family bakeries. That means working long, hot, seasons of outdoor food festivals where they are forced to endure each other - albeit with a lot of bantering and barb-trading. After all, no one knows how to get under Sylvie’s skin like Lauren.

Sick of dealing with Lauren and her thieving family, Sylvie sets out to unmask the Machados for the traitors they are.

But when the truth is not what Sylvie expects, will the fiery exchanges between her and Lauren turn into something hot enough to melt away generational baggage? Could they get the chance to rekindle what they almost had in high school?

Sapphic Romeo and Juliet with Cuban flare set in Miami?! If that's what you're looking for, this is definitely it. If you really like baked goods, count this as your trigger warning. I wanted every single bit of food discussed in this dang book. And considering both of these women are inheriting Cuban bakeries, there is a LOT of food discussed. 

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 2/5

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