Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Iron & Velvet


Title: Iron & Velvet
Series: Kate Kane, Paranormal Investigator #1
Author: Alexis Hall
Publisher: Carina Press, October 7, 2019
Pages: 258
Genre: LGBT Romantasy

I like my women like I like my whiskey: more than is good for me.

Name’s Kane, Kate Kane. I’m a paranormal private investigator, which is like a normal private investigator except—and stop me if you’re having trouble following this—more paranormal. This business comes with a few basic rules: don’t start drinking before noon, don’t get your partner killed, don’t sleep with the woman who killed him.

Last year I broke all of them.

The only rule I didn’t break was the one that said don’t work for vampires. But then a dead werewolf showed up outside the Soho shag palace of Julian Saint-Germain—a bloodsucking flibbertigibbet who’s spent the last eight centuries presiding over an ever-growing empire of booze, sex and hemoglobin. 

I shouldn’t have taken the job. The last thing I needed was to get caught in a supernatural smackdown between a werewolf pack and a vampire prince. Even if the vampire prince was dangerously my type. But what can I say? I was broke, I’m a sucker for a pretty face and I gave up on making good decisions a long time ago.

What a delightful start to a series. Well, maybe not delightful. Quite a lot of fighting really. But very fun all the same.

Kate Kane is a wreck. But like a hot wreck. A powerful, hot queer wreck of a paranormal investigator. She's funny and massively flawed and I am very looking forward to seeing how things go for her. 

This book did a great job of being really interesting on its own, and making me want to know what's going to happen next. The world building was doled out in a bit of exposition, but because she's an investigator it was acceptable and made sense. There was also a good bit of information about things that happened before, almost enough that I could do with a prequel, and it kind of makes me wonder if this is maybe a spin off series and I haven't realized it yet. If so, I'd read those too. 

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 2/5

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