Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Novel Love Story


Title: A Novel Love Story
Author: Ashley Poston
Publisher: Berkley, June 25, 2024
Pages: 378
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Eileen Merriweather loves to get lost in a good happily-ever-after. The fictional kind, anyway. Because at least imaginary men don’t leave you at the altar. She feels safe in a book. At home. Which might be why she’s so set on going her annual book club retreat this year—she needs good friends, cheap wine, and grand romantic gestures—no matter what.

But when her car unexpectedly breaks down on the way, she finds herself stranded in a quaint town that feels like it’s right out of a novel…

Because it 

This place can’t be real, and yet… she’s here, in Eloraton, the town of her favorite romance series, where the candy store’s honey taffy is always sweet, the local bar’s burgers are always a little burnt, and rain always comes in the afternoon. It feels like home. It’s perfect—and perfectly frozen, trapped in the late author’s last unfinished story.

Elsy is sure that’s why she must be here: to help bring the town to its storybook ending.

Except there is a character in Eloraton that she can’t place—a grumpy bookstore owner with mint-green eyes, an irritatingly sexy mouth and impeccable taste in novels. And he does 
not want her finishing this book.

Which is a problem because Elsy is beginning to think the town’s happily-ever-after might just be intertwined with her own.

Reading this just a few months after getting engaged was maybe not exactly what I needed. Talk about stressful! But Eloraton was too magical to keep me down for long!

I mean, what a dream vacation. To find yourself staying in the loft above a bookstore in the town where your favorite book series is set? Now, getting real life, or magical realism, proof of the not so happily ever after bits that come after your favorite books finish? That may not be ideal, and Elsy certainly feels like it's not. So she does a little more meddling than anyone should. But all's well that ends well, and I quite enjoyed this ending.

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 2/5

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