Saturday, June 24, 2023



Title: Loveless
Series: Osemanverse
Author: Alice Oseman
Published: HarperCollins, July 9, 2020
Pages: 433
Genre: LGBTQ Young Adult

This is the funny, honest, messy, completely relatable story of Georgia, who doesn't understand why she can't crush and kiss and make out like her friends do. She's surrounded by the narrative that dating plus sex equals love. It's not until she gets to college that she discovers the A range of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum - coming to understand herself as asexual/aromantic. Disrupting the narrative that she's been told since birth isn't easy - there are many mistakes along the way to inviting people into a newly found articulation of an always - known part of your identity. But Georgia's determined to get her life right, with the help of (and despite the major drama of) her friends.

Self-discovery can be hard to read about. It can be beautiful and hard and affirming and jealous-making. It's typically inspiring though. Whether you want it to be or not. Sometimes self-reflection is the last thing you're looking for from your fiction, but sometimes it sneaks up on you anyway.

It felt like it snuck up on Georgia. She was just living her life, wrapping up high school, and preparing to start university with her two best friends. Then all of a sudden she's confronted with the idea that her love of romance may not correlate to actual romantic feelings for other people. What does that mean for her? Well read the book and find out! 

Ultimately, just because Georgia may not have romantic feelings for anyone, doesn't mean she doesn't have love in her life. And it's those relationships that she chooses to focus her love and energy on that enrich her. And my experience with this book, honestly! Alice Oseman writes such lovable, relatable characters. 

Stars: 4/5

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