Monday, June 5, 2023

Mortal Follies


Title: Mortal Follies
Author: Alexis Hall
Publisher: Del Rey, June 6, 2023
Pages: 400
Genre: LGBTQ Historical Fantasy Romance

A young noblewoman must pair up with a rumoured witch to ward off a curse.

It is the year 1814 and life for a young lady of good breeding has many difficulties. There are balls to attend, fashions to follow, marriages to consider and, of course, the tiny complication of existing in a world swarming with fairy spirits, interfering deities, and actual straight-up sorcerers.

Miss Maelys Mitchelmore finds her entry into high society hindered by an irritating curse. It begins innocuously enough with her dress slowly unmaking itself over the course of an evening at a high-profile ball, a scandal she narrowly manages to escape.

However, as the curse progresses to more fatal proportions, Miss Mitchelmore must seek out aid, even if it means mixing with undesirable company. And there are few less desirable than Lady Georgianna Landrake—a brooding, alluring young woman sardonically nicknamed “the Duke of Annadale”—who may or may not have murdered her own father and brothers to inherit their fortune. If one is to believe the gossip, she might be some kind of malign enchantress. Then again, a malign enchantress might be exactly what Miss Mitchelmore needs.

With the Duke’s help, Miss Mitchelmore delves into a world of angry gods and vindictive magic, keen to unmask the perpetrator of these otherworldly attacks. But Miss Mitchelmore’s reputation is not the only thing at risk in spending time with her new ally. For the rumoured witch has her own secrets that may prove dangerous to Miss Mitchelmore’s heart—not to mention her life.


This was very exciting for me! My first Net Galley ARC, and it's an FF Alexis Hall??!! There was much celebrating done when my request for the ARC was approved. I hadn't even read the description, and I was certain I was going to love it. I really do know myself well. I absolutely DO love it!

Now that I'm reading the blurb, I'm so struggling to decide just how much I want to talk about in this review. I don't want to spoil anything, but my favorite part of the whole book isn't really discussed in the blurb!!! Suffice it to say, allusion was used to the fullest extent, and I appreciated it IMMENSELY!

This was absolutely hilarious. I don't love a "ruined reputation" trope, but the adventures and hijinks that take place to maintain Miss Mitchelmore's reputation are quite entertaining. I do love a reluctant hero, and Lady Georgianna Landrake is absolutely that. She is every rakish duke from every regency historical romance I've ever read. With the bonus of being a woman!!! She's just trying to live her best broody, gothic life on the moors, and she keeps getting distracted by Miss Mitchelmore's predicaments and pretty tears. It's a slow burn, and once it burns it fades to black. But it is very, very swoony!

I'm fairly certain that Miss Mitchelmore's best friend, Miss Lysistrata Bickle is my spirit animal. She is always optimistic, easy to please, and desperate for adventure and magic. She is the kind of ride or die friend that I can only strive to be!!! She absolutely makes the book for me! Well, her and the narrator, of course. 

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 1/5

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