Friday, June 30, 2023

The Sunbearer Trials


Title: The Sunbearer Trials
Series: The Sunbearer Duology #1
Author: Aiden Thomas
Published: Feiwel & FriendsSeptember 6, 2022
Pages: 413
Genre: LGBTQ Young Adult

As each new decade begins, the Sun’s power must be replenished so that Sol can keep traveling along the sky and keep the chaotic Obsidian gods at bay. Sol selects ten of the most worthy semidioses to compete in the Sunbearer Trials. The winner carries light and life to all the temples of Reino del Sol, but the loser has the greatest honor of all—they will be sacrificed to Sol, their body melted down to refuel the Sun Stones, protecting the world for another ten years.

Teo, a seventeen-year-old Jade semidiós and the trans son of the goddess of birds, isn't worried about the Trials . . . at least, not for himself. His best friend, Niya is a Gold semidiós and a shoo-in for the Trials, and while he trusts her abilities, the odds of becoming the sacrifice is one-in-ten.

But then, for the first time in over a century, the impossible happens. Sol chooses not one, but 
two Jade competitors. Teo, and Xio, the thirteen-year-old child of the god of bad luck. Now they must compete in five trials against Gold opponents who are more powerful and better trained. Worst of all, Teo’s annoyingly handsome ex-best friend and famous semidiós Hero, Aurelio is favored to win. Teo is determined to get himself and his friends through the trials unscathed—for fame, glory, and their own survival.

YESSS! I am so freaking pumped for this book. Who said I was burnt out on YA? She lied! I saw somewhere that this was pitched as Percy Jackson meets the Hunger Games....and yes. That's the perfect description and I loved every second of it. The only thing I didn't love is that it ended on a cliffhanger. But I'm FERAL for book two! 

Teo is awesome. He's a bit of a troublemaker who's excited to watch the Sunbearer Trials. This competition for the children of the gods to relight the Sol Stones around their world to keep monsters locked away in their celestial prisons. Teo is just a Jade, so he's obviously not going to be chosen to compete. 

Ugh. The mythology is beautiful. The pop culture woven through is hilarious! I love a fantasy novel with a heavy dose of technology and social media. The queerness is next level and I am here for it! Again....when is the next book coming?!?

Stars: 5/5

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