Monday, September 18, 2023

Down to a Science


Title: Down to a Science
Series: I Heart Sapphic Pride Collection #1
Author: Haley Cass
Published: June 1, 2022
Pages: 160
Genre: LGBTQ+ Contemporary Romance

Ellie Beckett’s life is simple and uncomplicated; she’s on track to become a leading expert in biomedical engineering, she has a pub where she feels comfortable enough to hang out multiple times a week, and, so what if she doesn’t have time for… people? She doesn’t need or want them.

Until she meets Mia Sharpe.

As it it turns out, maybe Ellie does want at least one person.

This was cute. Some of the reactions seemed really disproportionate, but I kept having to remind myself that this story takes place over like 4 years or something! 

Ellie is not good at people. But Mia is very good at people. And she seems to be around a lot of new people, all the time. And Ellie only notices because Mia brings these new people to Ellie's favorite pub. Where she goes a couple times a week. Not because she's an alcoholic, but because if she doesn't get out of the house her sister will roast her for being a hermit. 

It's a whole thing. But they meet and they become best friends! And they both want to be more than friends but they're big hot dummies who really suck at talking about their feelings or what they want. So then we go like another YEAR or two just being friends. But now we also sort of resent each other? But we're still very turned on by the other. Don't worry, there is an HEA. It takes the ENTIRE book. But it does happen. 

I loved their vulnerability with another. They really did build this relationship from the ground up. And that part was very cute. Mia's ex and I share a name. I don't know how it's spelled in the book because I listened to the audiobook. But I can confirm that I didn't like sharing a name with the "villain." (She's not really the villain, but she is a source of ANGST.) So, anyway. Didn't like that. I don't think it was just the name thing though. I kind of wish she hadn't come back into the picture when she did. It was weird for me. But it all worked out.

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 1/5

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