Wednesday, September 6, 2023



Title: Reel
Series: Hollywood Renaissance #1
Author: Kennedy Ryan
Published: Scribechick Media, LLC, June 8, 2021
Pages: 434
Genre: Contemporary Romance

For months I stood by, an understudy waiting in the wings, preparing for my time to shine.
I never imagined 
he would watch in the audience that night.
Canon Holt.
Famous film director. Fascinating. Talented. 
Before I could catch my breath, everything changed. I went from backstage Broadway to center stage Hollywood.
From being unknown, to my name, Neevah Saint, on everyone's lips.
Canon casts me in a star-studded Harlem Renaissance biopic, catapulting me into another stratosphere.
But stars shine brightest in the dead of night.
Forbidden attraction, scandal and circumstances beyond my control jeopardize my dream.
Could this one shot—the role of a lifetime, the 
love of a lifetime—cost me everything?

Heavy. This book is so heavy. Beautifully written and compelling and moving and all of that. But I was not ready for how heavy it got! 

I walk in expecting a spicy romp through Hollywood and I got that.... but I also got way more than I bargained for. From the PROLOGUE this book goes hard. We have family betrayal, we have chronic illness, we have grieving and healing and all of that. 

When Neevah hears from Canon after meeting him by chance, she thinks he's going to ask her on a date. Instead, he offers her an audition. For his hugely anticipated biopic. She gets that role and everything is coming up roses! Their chemistry is hard to fight, and for the most part, they don't. I really thought that their relationship would be more central to the conflict. Rather, them hiding their relationship. And while it does come up and it is an issue, it's definitely not a huge one. Someone outs them, and they just claim it and move forward. It was really nice.

Then you've got Neevah's family drama. Her sister betrayed her just before she was going to leave for college, and Neevah still hasn't forgiven her. However, Neevah has a chronic illness and has to ask for help from her family, and specifically her sister. But shooooot do they have some stuff to work through before all is said and done. 

And through all of this, Canon is with her every step of the way. They are so gone for each and it's very very sweet. Then they actually start acting on their desires and it is less sweet and more like a raging bonfire worth of hot! But it's good either way.

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 3/5

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