Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Something's Different


Title: Something's Different
Author: Quinn Ivins
Published: Ylva Publishing, November 20, 2022
Pages: 364
Genre: LGBT Contemporary Romance

Unemployed academic Caitlyn Taylor comes home to family drama. Her carefree twin Chloe plans to ditch her job to visit a guy she met online. Caitlyn steps in to impersonate Chloe so she won’t get fired for skipping town. Unfortunately, this means answering phones for an icy, dismissive boss.

Busy college president Ruth Holloway never paid much attention to her mediocre assistant. Suddenly, “Chloe” demonstrates insight into faculty politics and a baffling talent for analytics. And since when has she been so attractive?

Caitlyn dreams of getting closer to her sister’s boss but how can she? Everything they’ve shared has been based on a lie.

The cover of this book is so freaking cute. It got me, for real. Who doesn't love a sweet treat iced coffee?! And that's kind of what this book was. Just a little sweet treat. 

There are some problematic things going on. I don't like the way that real Chloe talks about Ruth. I don't really like the way that Ruth talks about real Chloe. I don't even really like the way Caitlyn talks about Chloe. They all talk about her like she's this vapid, flaky girl. And I mean, she doesn't do much to dissuade this notion. I think it's more that they are framing these are negative qualities. Because she's not a serious, brilliant academic. IDK. 

But Caitlyn and Ruth had great chemistry. I really liked their dynamic. Even if it was highly inappropriate when Ruth thought that she was falling for Chloe. It didn't feel gross though. Especially with how they got vulnerable with one another about their mental health struggles. That was really good. But for the most part this was a cute little romp through the politics of academia.

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 1/5

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