Monday, October 30, 2023

The Grim Reaper's Lawyer


Title: The Grim Reaper's Lawyer
Series: Life After Death #1
Author: Mea Monique
Published: December 20, 2022
Pages: 318
Genre: Fantasy Romance

When having to decide between spending her afterlife in hell or as the Grim Reaper’s Lawyer, it's not even a hard choice for Joyce Parker. Of course she’d choose hell.

Joyce thought her prayers were finally answered when her client killed her. Yes, 
she knows, it's morbid. But, so is being a lawyer. Now dead, Joyce thought it was blue skies, angel wings, mimosas and Jesus. Well, she was embarrassingly wrong. The insufferable, but good-looking Grim Reaper needs a favor. He needs her to represent him in the newly formed Reaper’s Court. That is, of course, if she wants to go to heaven rather than to hell, which is exactly where she was heading.

What starts off as a favor turns into a whirlwind of chaos with Joyce and the Grim Reaper being in the center of it all. Not only does Joyce have to help the grumpy Reaper, but she also has to save the whole Afterworld—a job she most definitely did 
notsign up for. Joyce’s life on earth was boring, but her afterlife ends up being the most alive she’s ever felt. Trials, secrets, evil reapers, missing souls, traitors, stolen mimosas and unexpected romance—all the elements for one hell (literally) of a life after death.

I love a mimosa. Love. Them. But Joyce Parker is goals. You know, while reading, it felt like she drank too many mimosas at inappropriate times. But I've had some time to ruminate on the subject. This woman died because of a job she hated. DRINK ALL OF THE MIMOSAS YOU CAN STOMACH, JOYCE! YOU'VE EARNED THEM!

Joyce is very good at her job. She hates who she's working for, and the cases she's assigned. But she's a very good lawyer. Aiden is a reaper. He's also being accused of letting some souls escape their designated afterlives. So, Aiden is a reaper in need of a good lawyer. Joyce just wants to move on. There's a fair amount of manipulation involved, but she reluctantly agrees to defend Aiden in the newly formed Reaper Court. 

Their chemistry is SO hot. The ethics are not good. Right? She's being coerced into working for him. He's her client in a precedent setting case in a new the afterlife. They are very antagonistic and that makes it even hotter when they finally get together! It is so very good. 

And on top of that, there's the crazy intrigue and political maneuvers going on. Eden is Purgatory made corporate. There are different departments: Heaven, Hell, Collections, etc. The world building is stunning. I can't wait for the next book!

Stars: 4/5
Spice: 3/5

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