Sunday, December 10, 2023

Monster Pucker


Title: Monster Pucker
Author: Clio Evans and Ashley Bennett
Publisher: November 17, 2023
Pages: 121
Genre: Monster Romance

Getting stuck in the hockey locker room was not how I envisioned catching my next story. After a fateful encounter with two of the hottest players in the NMHL, I’m swept into an unforgettable first date.

Klaus is a famous Krampus, one of the biggest players in the league. He’s gruff and hot, with a teddy bear heart hidden underneath. Frank the “Flurry” Murry is an up-and-coming Yeti who dreams big and loves hard.

These two monsters make me feel things I’ve never felt before. After a night the three of us can’t forget, we want more.

Monster. Hockey. Are you kidding? I thought going into this that for sure, it was going to be everything I needed in a book. I mean, a yeti and a krampus get together and play hockey. That alone was enough. Then you throw in their sports reporter paramour, I mean, so good. And it was good. It was funny and it was hot and all of that.

But I do think that I had my hopes up just a teensy bit too high. I just felt like it was going to sweep me all of the way off of my feet and I assumed I was going to finish it in an hour and be unable to think of anything else. I don't know, there was just like one tiny bit missing. 

I would like to give a formal thank you to the authors for the content warnings. I read them and I still dove in. There were some things on the list that did straddle my soft limits, and when I read them, that was confirmed. They are in fact soft limits for me. And then there was a pregnancy epilogue and meh. In saying all of that, I think that "Flurry" as a hockey nickname for a Yeti with the last name Murry is the most perfect nickname that I've ever read!

Stars: 3/5
Stars: 4/5

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