Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Blood Fury


Title: Blood Fury
Series: Black Dagger Legacy #3
Author: J.R. Ward
Published: Ballantine Books, January 9, 2018
Pages: 442
Genre: Urban Fantasy

A vampire aristocrat, Peyton is well aware of his duty to his bloodline: mate with an appropriate female of his class and carry on his family’s traditions. And he thought he’d found his perfect match—until she fell in love with someone else. Yet when his split-second decision in a battle with the enemy endangers the life of another trainee, Peyton has to face the idea that his future, and his heart, actually lie with another.

Novo, as a female in the Black Dagger Brotherhood’s training program, feels like she has to prove herself to everybody—and she has no interest in being distracted by falling in love. But when Peyton proves to be so much more than a rich playboy, she is forced to confront the tragedy that has broken her soul and closed her off from love.

As the two grapple with Novo’s past and Peyton’s present, another couple must contend with a connection that is unparalleled—and potentially scandalous. Saxton, who has had his heart broken, discovers in himself a deep-seated attraction to Ruhn, a new member of the household. But will the other male explore the connection? Or will he close his mind and his heart to what could be true love . . . and cost Saxton everything?

Do you know how memories of home can make you feel nostalgic for it? Then you go home and you remember all of the little things that annoy you, and your weird uncle still makes those creepy jokes that make you feel uncomfortable. That's a tiny bit how this book made me feel. Don't get me wrong, I still loved being home! But every now and then, I got a slap in the face of why I left in the first place. 

I love that we get two couples' journeys in this book. Peyton and Novo are in the BDB training program. Peyton is an uber privileged member of the glymera, and Novo is a civilian who wants to help in the war against the lessers. Saxton is still dealing with his heartbreak over Blaylock and Qhuinn bonding, and is considering leaving Caldwell altogether. Ruhn is grateful for the brotherhood and how they've welcomed him into the fold after Rhage and Mary adopted his niece. But he's also feeling pretty aimless, and thinking of striking out from Caldwell now that he knows that his niece is so well cared for. 

Novo has some serious trauma that she is running from. She is convinced that Peyton is only a f*ckboi and she does not have time for that. Except that he is hot and she might have some time for that. But definitely no time for *feelings.* She has had enough of those! She is an absolute mess and I loved watching her come out of the other side of her self imposed suffering. 

Saxton and Ruhn are pretty perfect. They have a bit of a miscommunication to start, but ultimately they are open and just in love. They're really freaking cute! I love them and Saxton deserved a break! 

I do wish my library had the audiobooks, but considering I already own the next 9 books...I have a feeling I'll be venturing back to Caldwell fairly soon!

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 3/5

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