Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Run, Run Rabbit


Title: Run, Run Rabbit
Series: Cambric Creek After Darkverse #1
Author: C.M. Nascosta
Publisher: Meduas Editoriale, July 21, 2021
Pages: 313
Genre: Monster Romance

Vanessa loves having Grayson Hemming chase her, and she'll do anything to keep him running.

When werewolf Vanessa Blevin begins working at new law firm, she expects long hours, hard work, and harder personalities. Her boss is a demanding, demeaning bully who begins cutting her down on her very first day — cutting her down and setting her blood on fire. Grayson Hemming is tall, dark, alphahole handsome, the exact sort of werewolf she does 
not need in her life . . . but there's something about the way he smells, his cutting smile, and the way his eyes always seem to find her. Her wolf wants his, and the feeling is mutual.

The lines between their professional lives and personal desires are blurred every full moon in his bed, and the only way she knows how to keep from being burned is to keep running.

When she attends an exclusive Lupercalia celebration just outside of Cambric Creek, she knows exactly what to expect. The whole town knows what goes on at the invitation-only werewolf soirées, and she knows one of the wolves will have her before the night is done. One of them will have her, but only one wolf will do. One wolf, one knot, one set of teeth at her back . . . but he'll have to catch her first.

ETA: I listened to the audiobook and it's just as magical the second time around and on audio as it was when I read it last year. Vanessa is just as poor me, while also knowing that she is a freaking catch. And she's simultaneously so obsessed with not getting caught. It's a whole mood.

Grayson is down to chase her life. But refuses to tell her that. It's quite frustrating. Then you have the third act breakup where my heart broke for them all over again. You can see him opening up to her, and she assumes it's this weird game. Which is fair because their entire relationship is manipulation and games. But that was really tough. And the audio certainly did not make me feel it any less keenly! 

I am so looking forward to our next trip to Cambric Creek. And doubly excited for Trapp's book!!!

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 5/5

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