Title: Sunny Disposition
Series: Mendell Hawks #1
Author: Deanna Gray
Published: June 30, 2022
Pages: 335
Genre: New Adult Romance
I can't understand why – out of the four hockey players I'm sharing a house with this semester – Finn Howard's the one who catches my eye.
The guy never smiles. He doesn't say much and disapproves plenty.
But, something about him feels familiar. Something about him feels safe.
I'm not falling for Finn, I'm just curious. Could I make him smile? It wouldn't hurt to try. I love a good challenge. And who knows, maybe it'll distract me from pining over a guy I meet online.
I don't get nervous unless I'm on the ice. So why does my chest feel tight whenever Naomi Lewis looks in my direction?
She's witty, kind, and happy. How is someone that happy all the time?
If her sunny disposition isn't enough to distract me, the fact that her voice sounds exactly like the streamer I anonymously moderate for will.
If Naomi is her, she's in for a huge disappointment. I'm not the guy she thinks I am...not anymore, at least. And for that reason alone, I should stay away from her. I should stop trying to get closer. I should stop wanting her because she fell for someone else. Someone I will never be again.
Naomi and Finn are so stinking perfect. I could not put this book down!
I love a hockey! We know this. It is known. But dang, this was a good one. And it was arguably one of the least hockey heavy hockey romances I've read in a while. But it was so great. I just love how awkward these two are with one another.
I don't want to even review too much about the book because the twists were so fun to read with fresh eyes. I thought the miscommunications were handled well. I loved how diverse the cast of characters is. All of the side characters felt three dimensional and real, without detracting from just how much I loved and was rooting for Naomi and Finn.
The way that she talked about Finn's amnesia was so well done. It just introduced some ideas regarding how to handle your life and your loved one's after amnesia that you don't really think about. Or I certainly hadn't thought about it. But I have been lately and it's been so interesting. So thanks for my existential ennui to get me through the holiday season, Ms. Grey!
Stars: 4/5
Spice: 2/5