Saturday, April 22, 2023

Hot Button Issue


Title: Hot Button Issue
Series: Roller Derby Witches #0.5
Author: Catrina Bell
Published: March 20, 2023
Pages: 130
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Good Blanca is a high-profile lawyer with a brilliant legal mind. She's everything her parents hoped she would be - impressive and successful. Bad Blanca is a beautiful mess. She dresses in fishnet tights, flirts with sexy werewolves, and just made the Hel Stars roller derby team. Oh, and she’s secretly a witch.

Thorin is her opposite in every way. The happy-go-lucky flirt struggles with supernatural aggression he can’t quite control. His attraction to Blanca makes things even more complicated.

When Blanca’s powerful client, a state senator, proposes new legislation restricting reproductive rights, the line separating the good and bad in her life becomes blurry. Derby is chaos, and soon everything goes off the rails. She has to decide, once and for all, how far she'll go to defend her values and the people she loves.

Always love a roller derby book. There aren't very many, or at least I haven't found them all. But it's still exciting when I do find one. 

Blanca is a lawyer and she's just made the human roller derby team in her town in Texas. She wants to keep the two parts of her life separate. Good Blanca is the lawyer. Bad Blanca is the roller derby girl. And while I sort of understand keeping the derby girl out of her professional life, it truly didn't make any sense to me why she was so concerned about the derby community finding out she's a lawyer. Roller derby, in my experience, is one of the most inclusive communities out there. 

Thorin is a classic millennial with a million jobs. One of which is at a bakery where he meets Good Blanca. It's only when Blanca accepts a date with Thorin that her worlds begin to collide. I do love that Thorin helps Blanca explore her adventurous side. And I'm absolutely on board with any book that wants to protest forced births. "Not the church. Not the state. Women must decide their fate."

Stars: 3/5
Spice: 2/5

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