Thursday, April 13, 2023

Yes & I Love You


Title: Yes & I Love You
Series: Say Everything #1
Author: Roni Loren
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca, March 2, 2021
Pages: 386
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Everyone knows Miz Poppy, the vibrant reviewer whose commentary brightens the New Orleans nightlife. But no one knows Hollyn Tate, the real face behind the media star...or the anxiety that keeps her isolated. All her life, Hollyn's tried to hide her true self behind an online façade, but when her boss tells her she needs to reveal the truth to the world or lose her job, she's forced to rely on an unexpected source to help face her fears.

Enter Jasper Deares: actor, improve star, and way, way out of her league.

Hollyn thinks Jasper must be joking when he offers private lessons to help overcome her fears. Getting up on a stage? Hello, worst nightmare. But Jasper's infectious charm has her saying yes despite herself. They're only supposed to be playing a few improv games, but as the lessons run longer and the lines grow blurrier, Hollyn can't help but wonder if she's acting at all...or if a relationship with Jasper might help give her the confidence she needs to say yes to every imperfect part of herself.

This is my new favorite trope. Blatant honesty!!! That's a lie, it's not a new favorite. It's always been my favorite, but it's so rare to find that it feels brand new! Miscommunication? That's running rampant throughout the industry of romance novels. It drives me batty!!! But unfiltered honesty? It's SO HOT! That's what Hollyn and Jasper have with one another though. And I'm telling you. It is SO HOT! If you're a writer, listen well, having your main characters own their feelings and attraction up front without subterfuge can still make a GREAT book! I think this book will ruin my already low tolerance for books with heavy miscommunication for the foreseeable future. 

Hollyn is a writer who rents an office at co-op type place in New Orleans. She also has Tourette's and a serious case of social anxiety. I think she also has clinical anxiety, but the way that she talks about her therapist and her journey with that is so refreshing. Therapy is a part of her life and that's that. 

Jasper is an actor who bombed an audition in L.A. and moved back to New Orleans. He's working at the co-op as a barista while also performing with his Improv Troupe. They're both hot and hot for each other. Eventually. 

Jasper does some nearly unforgivable things in this book. And it's his raw honesty every time that saves his ass. But the whole time Jasper is trying to get it together, Hollyn is out here THRIVING! She is learning how to be more confident, and most importantly, how to get through tough social situations even when she's not feeling her most confident. Watching her blossom is SO good.

I have to mention Cal. Hollyn's best friend for forever, who also has Tourette's, and is also in love with her. UGH. Ok, I mentioned him. All done! 

One of my favorite parts of this book were the review entries from Miz Poppy. I loved how they lined up with what was going on in the book. You could see where Hollyn was at in her head without a ton of exposition or existential waffling. *Chef's Kiss*

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 3/5

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