Sunday, March 26, 2023

Heart, Haunt, Havoc


Title: Heart, Haunt, Havoc
Author: Freydis Moon
Publisher: February 14, 2023
Pages: 156
Genre: LGBTQ / Horror Romance

Laced with romance, gothic imagery, Catholic mysticism, diaspora, and horror…

When lonely transgender exorcist, Colin Hart, finds himself challenged by an unruly haunted house in Gideon, Colorado, he’s kept awake by ghosts, demons, ghouls, and the handsome nonbinary owner of the house, Bishop Martínez.

Unlike the simple hauntings Colin is accustomed to, Bishop’s house is a living beacon, attracting a plethora of inhuman creatures, including a vengeful wolf-headed spirit who might be the key to quieting their sleepless nights.

But as a heartbreaking mystery unravels, Colin comes face-to-face with the past Bishop tried to bury, opens a closet full of bloody skeletons, and trips into an accidental romance.

As paranormally skilled as Colin might be, this particular haunting may be too messy for him to handle…

This is such a beautifully written horror story. I mean. I don't know why I was surprised that it was so scary, it has Haunt in the name and the cover is quite gory. But dang. This really is super scary!

Colin is a "cleaner." He travels around cleaning up haunted places, and people sometimes. Bishop is his newest client, and they have got a lot going on in the fixer-upper they bought with their husband. Lots of little pesky haunts, and one who's very scary. Bishop also has quite a few secrets that they really aren't interested in sharing with Colin. 

Bishop is also very hot. And Colin is very hot. And Bishop's haunted house does NOT like that they find each other attractive. Not at all. I did like that part. That part was very compelling!! 

I can't get over how beautiful the imagery of this book is. Even the really gory scenes are so vivid and well done. I will definitely be reading more of this author's work!!! It's stunning!


Stars: 5/5
Spice: 3/5

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