Title: Monsters in Love: Wicked Tales and Monstrous Ever Afters
Series: Monsters in Love Anthologies
Author: So Many!
Publisher: Darklight Press, March 7, 2023
Pages: 1906
Genre: Romance (monster, sci-fi, contemporary, historical, etc.)
Monsters do it better—especially when they fall in love.
Dive into this stunning anthology filled with wicked tales and monstrous ever afters. These sweet and steamy short stories feature drool-worthy monsters as they woo and claim their human mates.
Scroll up and one-click this limited edition fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction romance collection today. Proceeds will benefit Best Friends Animal Society, a no-kill animal shelter organization.
Dive into this stunning anthology filled with wicked tales and monstrous ever afters. These sweet and steamy short stories feature drool-worthy monsters as they woo and claim their human mates.
Scroll up and one-click this limited edition fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction romance collection today. Proceeds will benefit Best Friends Animal Society, a no-kill animal shelter organization.
I read 4 of the entries to this Monster of an anthology. ;)
The Orc Upstairs by C.M. Nascosta:
-A delightful entry to the Talons & Temptations series! We find ourselves getting to know Lord Ellingboe, the older family friend who is sponsoring Eleanor's series, through the eyes of his sassy housekeeper in London. There are dressing rings, smutty books, and filthy daydreams. My favorite moment between these two are when he finally talks to her about the plans that he's been putting into motion. He tells her that he'll never remarry because he won't disrespect his wife's memory like that, but he also wants her. And it's way more romantic than I'm making it seem, I full on swooned.
Stars: 5/5
Spice: 5/5
Live, Laugh, Lurk by Elsie Winters:
-This nerdy mothman has the best vocabulary and speech patterns. When you get glimpses into his POV, it's truly hilarious. He has a superiority complex to beat the band! He sheds his scales everywhere and Lilith calls them glitter and thinks they're adorable. That really helped that she thought it was adorable because that does not sound adorable to me. There were plenty of adorable moments, but Miela was the cutest!
Stars: 5/5
Spice: 5/5
A Briar Glen Halloween by Ashley Bennett:
-Short and spicy look at some of our Leviathan Fitness besties! Tentacles and Triathlons has been on my list ever since finishing Muscles and Monsters. But it's been moved up way higher on my priority list after reading this! I have got to know more about Cyrus!!! I also have big hopes for the Moth Madam in Reece's scary campfire story getting her own book. But this story was all about the Big Bad Wolf, Atlas, chasing Little Red Riding Hood, Tegan, through the woods and eating her up. And THAT is delightful!
Stars: 3/5
Spice: 5/5
The Stone and the Star by Jillian Graves:
-Colossus has no memory of how he got to the bell tower across from Astra's apartment, but when she puts on her little solo show for him, he knows why he's there. His anatomy is *interesting* and the exhibitionism was hot.
Stars: 3/5
Spice: 5/5
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