Title: Soul Eater
Series: Monstrous #1
Author: Lily Mayne
Publisher: March 25, 2021
Pages: 329
Genre: LGBTQ+ Fantasy Romance
Twenty years ago, monsters rose on earth and began a new age of civilization.
One where humans live in military-controlled, cramped and dirty cities along the coasts, and the majority of the United States is known as the Wastes. A lawless, desolate and dangerous place, teeming with monsters that have claimed the land for their own.
Including Wyn the Soul Eater.
He appears every three years, making his way across the country and slaughtering humans randomly, sucking them dry until they’re nothing but husks.
I’ve only been in the military for six months, but now I’m part of a unit tasked with trying to stop and capture him. And when I’m the only soldier out of hundreds that the Soul Eater leaves alive, I realise that… something about me has intrigued him.
But what is it? What could a twenty-three year old guy from the south, with no one and nothing in the world, have possibly done to capture the attention of a death monster with horns, blackened fingertips and a face hidden in the dark depths of his hood?
One where humans live in military-controlled, cramped and dirty cities along the coasts, and the majority of the United States is known as the Wastes. A lawless, desolate and dangerous place, teeming with monsters that have claimed the land for their own.
Including Wyn the Soul Eater.
He appears every three years, making his way across the country and slaughtering humans randomly, sucking them dry until they’re nothing but husks.
I’ve only been in the military for six months, but now I’m part of a unit tasked with trying to stop and capture him. And when I’m the only soldier out of hundreds that the Soul Eater leaves alive, I realise that… something about me has intrigued him.
But what is it? What could a twenty-three year old guy from the south, with no one and nothing in the world, have possibly done to capture the attention of a death monster with horns, blackened fingertips and a face hidden in the dark depths of his hood?
Wow, wow, wow!!! What a fun post apocalypse. Ya know, in the scheme of post apocalypse at least.
I stayed up until midnight to finish, and I very nearly started book 2 right then. I somehow reined myself in and waited until this morning to start book 2. But only because I am not guaranteed to see Wyn and Danny again, though I'm still holding out hope.
ETA: I am so glad that I got to experience this audiobook. <3 It hasn't even been a year since I read this book for the first time. In that time I've read the 6+ subsequent entries to this series, the 2 entries in the Folk series, and Lily Mayne's contribution to the Monsters & Mayhem multi author horror novel collection. This book was first published in 2021. To anyone counting, that's 10 novels, 1 official novella and quite a few slice of life shorts published in less than 24 months. How do you have the time!?!?! Thank you so much!!!
I would like to make it known that it is taking every ounce of willpower in my body to not immediately purchase Edin and start listening right now! But there are so many books on my TBR and I am forcing myself to wait. I just purchased the big box sets so the budget can't take it right now! BUT we will find out on 3/19 whether or not I use my audible credit to purchase a book I've never read yet, or Edin. :)
Michael Lesley did a FABULOUS job. I am from Louisiana, so I have to admit to giggling and being really concerned when I first heard his voice for Danny. But it totally works and didn't at all take away from my enjoyment of the story. And then Wyn. The first time I heard his voice for Wyn I had CHILLS. Bravo! Standing ovation for the gentleman with the mic!
As I've said, this was a reread. It was really exciting to see this all over again knowing where they're headed! Seeing so many future characters and villains pop out was very fun and I loved all of the Easter eggs. I would have thought I was immune to crying for them at this point. And still. My emotions have been wrung out and hung to dry. SO GOOD.
Stars: 5/5
Spice: 5/5