Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Angelika Frankenstein Makes Her Match


Title: Angelika Frankenstein Makes Her Match
Author: Sally Thorne
Publisher: Avon Books, September 6, 2022
Pages: 384
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Steampunk

For generations, every Frankenstein has found their true love and equal, unlocking lifetimes of blissful wedded adventure. Clever, pretty (and odd) Angelika Frankenstein has run out of suitors and fears she may become the exception to this family rule. When assisting in her brother Victor's ground-breaking experiment to bring a reassembled man back to life, she realizes that having an agreeable gentleman convalescing in the guest suite might be a chance to let a man get to know the real her. For the first time, Angelika embarks upon a project that is all her own.

When her handsome scientific miracle sits up on the lab table, her hopes for an instant romantic connection are thrown into disarray. Her resurrected beau (named Will for the moment) has total amnesia and is solely focused on uncovering his true identity. Trying to ignore their heart-pounding chemistry, Angelika reluctantly joins the investigation into his past, hoping it will bring them closer. But when a second suitor emerges to aid their quest, Angelika wonders if she was too hasty inventing a solution. Perhaps fate is not something that can be influenced in a laboratory? Or is Will (or whatever his name is!) her dream man, tailored for her in every way? And can he survive what was done to him in the name of science, and love?

Filled with carriages, candlesticks, and corpses, Angelika Frankenstein Makes Her Match is the spooky-season reimagining of the well-known classic that reminds us to never judge a man by his cadaver!

I love a good twist on a gothic classic, and this is certainly that. 

I could get bogged down about the ethics and morality of bringing someone back to life without their express consent. Or about then nearly forcing yourself on them due to proximity and the off balance power structure inherent in classist Regency England. But I won't! 

This did drag a bit in the beginning for me. Frankenstein is one of my favorite gothics, and I've read it many many times. So it could be for that reason that it took me awhile to get into this. I was finding it very hard picturing a happy ending between Angelika and her match, Will. For many reasons.... like knowing how the original ends for Adam, and you know, the morally gray ethics.

However! Around 40% of the way through, I was hooked. And I read the last 38% in bed last night by the light of the waning moon. Not really because I was using my e-reader, and I have blackout curtains. But it was very dark, very late, and VERY GOOD. 

Angelika is the best sort of unreliable narrator. She IS growing, but her growth is colored by her own narcissistic tendencies and take on the world around her. Which is actually very funny to see. And Will. Sweet baby angel Will. What a thoroughly convicted and conflicted man. And this is not to discount any of the side characters!!! I had genuine fear for our good friend, Commander Keatings and his glorious thighs. 

All of this to say, thank you, Sally Thorne, for starting my 5 star reads of the year with a bang!!

Stars: 5/5
Spice: 3/5

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